Sunday 20 December 2009

you've got a nerve giving me the cold shoulder,
giving me the twice over when it's not deserved.
and we'll talk again when you're sober,
you said that i've gone cold and our heat is gone.
i wanna be your eyes so you can't see what you've done.
i wanna be yours ears so you can't hear everything that's been missing.

Sunday 13 September 2009


my last post was nearly six months ago.
that is weird.
why haven't i been blogging?

i really have no idea.

i just read over every single post i ever wrote, and it's so odd.
some things made me laugh and some made me sad.
it's strange to think that the people i've gushed about so many times i've completely gotten over, i can see them in the street, smile and wave and it's just another thing that happened in my day.
most of them anyway.
there was one post and i recognised almost straight away who it was about, it made me smile :) 

the people i'd ranted on about, i've never been closer to.
how times have changed.

yet here i am sat, putting of chemistry work, just like i was the day i first started this blog.
woah :)

i've done so much in the past six months;
moved house, made friends, lost friends, started going running, stopped going running, lost weight, put on weight, started drinking coffee, dyed my hair, bought new clothes, lost friends, met amazing people who have changed my life, grown up abit, changed my opinion on the world..

and i feel asthough i've missed out on your lives too, really. i haven't read your blogs in ages.

how the hell have you been?! 

Sunday 10 May 2009

sundays mean

getting up late. wearing over sized cardigans and pyjama shorts all day. pretty music. art. watching dvds. eating noodle soup. dreading monday. no makeup. thinking about last night. being tired. drinking lots of water. reading kerrang. scruffy ponytails. charging the ipod. looking at pictures of the weekend. planning next week. facebook. playing useless games on the internet. singing loudly. dancing around my room. not do homework. not being bothered. being lazy. procrastination.

Saturday 9 May 2009

things to do today

- finish makeup and hair.
- catch the bus with megan.
- go to primark and get that bag.
- see if there's a grey cardigan in the men's section and if there is, buy it.
- buy Grey Britain FINALLY
- find my friends.
- go to gig.
-not die.

i actually have failed the internet lately.
i do apologise.

Monday 27 April 2009

i have just had

an amazing weekend.
and as i haven't blogged in a long long time, i feel it is appropriate that i write about it.

on friday night i worked, and got payed. that was good times. had an early night because i was up at seven on saturday morning. then i caught a bus with jamie into town and we met meg, cole and sian and then got the train to exeter. lucie missed it but her mum was going there anyway so she got a lift. in exeter we met more people. the weather was pretty shit and i was wearing a dress, so. but it was pretty hot for some of the day. then we got the train and got back into town around eight and me, sian, cole and jamie bought cider and drank it, and me and cole being lightweights were drunk of 1/4 of a litre. was a pretty funny night :)
next morning i got the train into town again because the new skate park was opening and the vans skate team and everyone was going to be there, so we went along. it was a really hot day so we were loving life. then cal and lucie had to go and get a train so we left the park and went to the green. jamie had with him a bottle of jd and twelve cans of coke, the majority of which he drank by himself. i didn't drink much cos i realised how easily i got drunk. it was a nice evening up until jamie rolled over onto his stomach and was sick all down himself. the rest of us were all sober, and we had to get jamie down the hill and home. we couldn't. 
in the end he called someone to come pick him up and we all went for our bus. 
it was really scary seeing him like that, he looked so vulnerable and it's like, he one of the biggest guys i know. 
BUT it was a good weekend. 

now i have alot of art coursework to do, but i really cbaaaaaaaaaa.
i have to draw a baby holding a phone with a lobster in my head for my initial ideas, my art teachers suggestion.

it's sunny again.

Monday 20 April 2009


Is there a song that every time you listen to it you rewind and listen to the same bit over and over again?
Or is that just me?

At the moment the songs are;
All Alone - Gorillaz. 
'Bounce, wiggle, bounce, wiggle, shakin' all them brains out,
chemical cutthroat, 'bout to blow their brains out.'

and, Antwerpen - Enter Shikari.
'It appears the foundations of all our great nations
are lies and indoctrinations.
So if Silvius Brabo collects the hands of giants
will you join him?'
I probably listened to that bit about fifty times in bed last night, ahha.

I'm getting really lazy at blogging.
I promise I'll do it more when I go back to school.
Which is tomorrow :/
Not looking forward to it.

Friday 10 April 2009

I got my hair cut yesterday, good times. My fringe was getting silly, needed a good ole trim, so there we go.
Uh, i love my new job. It's at a chinese take-away, which is actually just opposite the indian restaurant where I used to work, so they're just stood in the window all night like D:::::: TRAITOR. But they employed like four new people after I quit, so this must mean I'm a massive loss, right? Three girls and one grown man just to make up for me leaving? I'm going to win at life for sure ;)
My job's basically to sit behind a counter watching television (tonight I watched You've Been Framed and it made me smile) and occasionally answer the phone or take an order. I get paid more aswell and they literally force me to take home food, so it's all good really :)
I'm only being trained at the moment because I have to learn all the abbreviations and prices and such, so I'm working with this other girl most nights, and she's really nice, which is a plus. My bosses are nice. So yeah, happy times.
Uh, I love school holidays so much. I've been waiting for this four eight weeks? Christ, I missed sleeping all day. Too bad I can't do anything Sunday or Monday, silly bank holidays. 
I've had a nice week so far actually, I spent monday with my best friend's boyfriend's friends, which I thought was going to be really awkward as I hardly knew them and had only met one of them once, and the other twice, but it was actually alright, and a pretty funny day :)
I don't really know what else to say, I've been pretty boring with posts lately, NO INSPIRATION GOD DAMN IT D:<,
Except, I love you. Oh and you of course.
And you, but don't tell anyone, alright?

Have a nice Easter :)

Thursday 9 April 2009

Thursday 2 April 2009


i just realised i haven't written anything in over 9000 years. i haven't dailyboothed for a few weeks either. i'm disappointed in myself. 

i''m supposed to be writing an essay on The Crucible right now, which i haven't even got half way through yet. and it's in for tomorrow. but i'm putting it off.
i only have 45 minutes til i have to go get ready for work, not much point is there? oh, new job by the way, i'll write about it later though as i cba.

oh, but i love planning ahead. 
what i'm wearing anyway. ;)
this, i'm sure, wont be interesting but it's something to do instead of essaying..
just a heads up ;)

tonight (work); h&m skirt. black tights. DINOmite shirt. grey leopard print cardigan. topshop shoes.
tomorrow (only half day so town and cinema); h&m skirt. tooty fruity bbycks we are the club kids shirt. navy h&m cardigan. topshop shoes. black tights.
saturday (walking to the beach with a picnic and spending the day there); dolly shoes of some kind. leggings. new look skirt. purple vest. green cardigan.
monday (exeter.); black tights. topshop shoes. camo skirt. grey vest. blue and white cardigan.

i also decided on a list of things i want out of the grindstore catalogue (the one that comes with Kerrang! which i don't usually buy, as most of my money goes into h&m and topshop apparently...
but ymas were on the front cover and i like josh and max's faces so i had to buy it)

let's list, yaaaaaaaay.
dot heart hoodie (reminds me of henry homesweet)
miami ink pink swallow tee
neon green wayfarers
white swallow necklaces
bleeding love necklace
bourbon biscuit necklace (nom nom nom)
swallow necklace (apparently i like swallows?)
barbie compact mirror
burial twist back tank by iron fist
we are 138 tee by iron fist
pony hoax platforms (not that i can walk in heels, but they are booooooooom.)
famous lucks chance tee
rock steady geisha love tee
rock steady sweet pea stripe top
paint the stars super fun time unicorn tee
and a kings of leon poster.

so yeah, if anyones feeling generous at all...?

gahhh, now it's five and i start work at six.
no way ima be able to do this essay nowwwwwwwwwwwww ;)

my computers being a fucking dick aswell.

Friday 27 March 2009

'..and it can be unsettling to hear yourself describe as you have thought of yourself in your most honest and  abject moods, just as it is humbling to hear what you have thought about in your most hopeful and unrealistic moments.'

Tuesday 24 March 2009

first impression

So bored.

Here are the first line from 25 songs, tell me what songs they are :)

1 - I hope you hang yourself with your h&m scarf, whilst jacking off listening to Mozart.

2 - C-C-C-Cinamon lips and candy kissed on my tongue.

3 - I'm sipping coffee at a quarter to two.

4 - Can't get the stink out, it's been hanging round for days.

5 - I've got a bad feeling that I went and got dirt on your knees.

6 - Glamorous indie rock and roll is what I want.

7 - I wont stand in your way.

8 - You got your popstar, I'll be your rockstar, when it's a suicide you call it superstar.

9 - Let it go, there's no way you can save it now.

10 - With a long range weapon or a suicide bomber.

11 - Face down, this is where it leads you, too far.

12 - Baby can't you see, I'm calling, a guy like you should wear a warning.

13 - Now there Mardy Bum, I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a  gun.

14 - You've seen me last night, working the room, (?)

15 - I'm not loving you the way I wanted to.

16 - A green plastic can for a fake chinese rubber plant.

17 - I heard you're a stranger to playing funny games, I heard you got all the boys numbers and names.

18 - It's 2.45 the baby takes it's first breath, the mother never knew he only had a few left.

19 - I'm in love with the girl I hate, she enjoys pointing out every bad thing about me.

20 - Can't you see he's the man, let me hear you applaud, he is more than a man he's a shiny golden god.

21 - I said you can have whatever you like, I said you can have whatever you like, yeahh.

22 - Just incase they're wondering, they've got us {something} terribly.

23 -  Times are strange, we've got a free upgrade for snakes on a plan, fuck 'em I don't care.

24 - She said I'm Rosie, I said I thought you were Lucy, she said I'm Rosie I told you so.

25 - The first day I saw her was at the train station, she was half black, half caucasian.


Saturday 21 March 2009

i fucked up

psyche, i'm kidding again you idiot, no i didn't,
that's just what you wanted to hear from me,
that i fucked up, ain't it?


Friday 20 March 2009


you don't give a shit about me, do you?
you don't care that i could have died that night.
that anything could of happened to me
but you just left me practically all on my own.
i was a state
you can't have thought i'd be able to look after myself.
i was in no condition to be given any kind of responsibility
let alone the responsibility
of finding my way home on my own.
i don't remember anything.
you could be taking advantage of that fact.
you took advantage of me
and the state i was in
you... i don't know the words to describe you
i feel sick just to think about it.
i hate you, i think.
i now realise that all of you
bar one, don't give a fuck about me
you just care about yourself
and saving yourself from getting into trouble
i don't think you even thought twice about me
you just walked away
left me lying there.
you're selfish.
i'm glad i have my real friends
the loyal ones who wouldn't have left me
they would have been there
they would have done the right thing
and called someone
like i'm glad that one person did
and now you have the nerve to call her a stupid bitch
for the fact that she called my mum? 
it all just boils back down to the fact 
that you're selfish and you only care about yourselves.
you wouldn't have cared what happened to me
as long as you were safe and sound and came across as the innocent ones.
you made up a lie.
a twisted, unbelievably tabgled web of, basically,
bull shit. just so you seemed the good guys,
so you were in the clear. i was the one who the blame should fall on
it was all my fault. you couldn't stop me.
but that's the thing that hurts the most.
you could have stopped me.
you could of, if you had cared, stopped me from doing
the stupid and just plain wrong things you tell me about doing
you're laughing at me, the next day, you're telling me what i did
and you're laughing
and i'm thinking,
what if it had been you? would you want this?
wouldn't you expect your so called friends to stop you
when you're about to do something so horrible
and so out of charector for me.
i'm upset just thinking about it.
and you.
i don't know what to say about you,
other than i think you're pathetic.
you were so wrong
and so out of order it's unreal.
you were taking advantage,
no matter what you say. 
you cannot say that i was in the condition to be able to consent
to anything.
i was on the floor. i couldn't move.
you were fine to walk away from me
and act sober when anyone asked.
you cannot say that this is in the least bit fair
on me. on my mother.
on my real friends.
they were so worried and it chokes me up just to think about
what they all must have been going through
when i was gone.
i was so stupid.
yeah i'm angry at you.
i'm angry at the rest for leaving me.
i'm angry at everyone there, except one,
who banded together and lied and made up a story
so you wouldn't get in trouble
not caring what happened to me.
but most of all i'm angry at myself
for letting me do that to myself.
i always told myself i'd never be that stupid.
i'd never put myself into a situation like that
but i did
and it makes me feel sick.

Thursday 19 March 2009

i'm a mess

i typed it out, 
i don't want to say it anymore.
i deleted it.
i feel sick,
i hate this.

i love my friends.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


(blogger fixed itself, pheeeeeeew ;D)

Open your player and:

Total number of tracks: 699 (the rest of my music's on the other computer)

Sort by song title:
-First song: A - Cartel
-Last song: 9mm and a three piece suit - Catch 22

Sort by time:
-Shortest song: The Divide - Tenacious D (0:22)
-Longest song: No Sleep Mixtape - Party Shank (54:10)

Sort by album:
First song: Intro - Muse
-Last song: (A load of my songs don't have an album, so i'll just take the last song with an album) D.A.N.C.E. - Justice

Top 10 most played songs:
1. Low Cover - Brokencyde
2. Blue Steel - Brokencyde
3. Sugar Cube - Porcelain and The Tramps
4. Wasted - Cartel
5. Just Loose It - Eminem
6. My Leftovers - Porcelain and The Tramps
7. Trouble - NeverShoutNever!
8. I Love You - We Smoke Fags
9. Do it For Me Now - Angels & Airwaves
10. I Rape Myself - Caliban

First five songs that comes up on Party Shuffle:
1. Ass Like That - Eminem
2. Apocolypse Please - Muse
3. I Love You - We Smoke Fags
4. My Dad's Gone Crazy - Eminem
5. Street Spirit - Radiohead

Search ....
"sex", how many songs come up? 6
"love", how many songs come up? 16
"you", how many songs come up? 105
"death", how many songs come up? 5
"hate", how many songs come up? 14
"wish" how many songs come up? 0

err, excuse me

'Welcome to the Reading List. Here are all the updates from any blogs you follow and sites you've joined using Google FriendConnect.
  • You are not currently following any blogs. Use the "add" button below to enter blogs you'd like to follow in your Reading List.'
i am actually. i'm following quite a few.
and i'd quite appreciate being able to read them please! :@

Friday 13 March 2009

sail away with me

i like when people like what i do.
i appreciate every follower i have,
and i smile i everytime i get a new comment.

and i enjoy when people make youtube video's based on my blogs (:

Tuesday 10 March 2009

when she does it like this will you do it like that?

when i chew my nails it means i'm worried.
when i suck my thumb it means i'm tired.
when i put my necklace in my mouth it means i'm bored.
when i put my fist over my mouth it means i'm feeling shy.
when i cross my arms in front of my tummy it means i feel fat.
when i put my hair behind my ears it means i'm concentrating.
when i chew the end of my pen it means i don't know what i'm doing.
when i tap my fingers on the table it means i'm impatient.
when i tap my feet it means i'm excited.
when i say i love you it means i love you.
when i hold your hand it means i don't want to let go.
when i am with you it means i'm happy.

Monday 9 March 2009

i' rofled for over 9000 years!

Having a conversation about how fit certain celebrity males are. And he reckons he's straight ;)
He said he's shoot me if i print screened that, but pfft fuck it, he doesn't read this ;D
and LOW DISK SPACE? stfu, stupid pc.

Sunday 8 March 2009


Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Hurry up and come and save me.

MUSIC (mu-sic) n. 1. The art of organizing sound. Vocal sounds having some degree of rhythm, melody and harmony. 2. A musical composition or body of such compositions. 3. The soundtrack of my life, feel it, shut up and listen, keep on dancing. (see also) life.

So, it's 1pm on a Sunday. I haven't been up this early on a Sunday for such a long time, let alone be home from town already. I went shopping with my mum. We were in Boots and I showed her the Harajuku Lovers Fragrance stand. We were smelling all the testers for ages, and in the end she bought me Music and she got Love. The bottles are really cute! They have little dolls for the lids, the one I got has a doll with a sailor suit on. Then on the way home in the car, she was just telling me how when she used to live in Tokyo, she'd go every Sunday to the park in Harajuku and see all the people dressed up and listen to the music and go to the market and things. It sounds like so much fun. I'll have to go there one day.

I'm feeling  alot better today. Fuck it all tbh, I don't even give a shit any more :)


the sky.

stupid boys. stupid boys. i always go for the shit ones. then i get hurt. fucks sake. luckily this time i was warned. 'he's a player. honestly i'm being serious. he fucked my girl' 'seriously, i wouldn't, he just wants meaningless sex.' ecetera ecetera. my best friends got some problems with boys at the moment aswell. it's times like this when we get together and have the lovliest conversations. they just make me love her so much more :)

ohh i do love you.

'      vit     ;]    
:) i love you too meg

Even if you Do fancie a 12 year old and like Harry Hall 
and even if you are a light weight
& even if you are shy :D
but you make me laugh & smile oh sooo much :D
& i had a lovely day today:D

'      vit   ;]
LOLLLLLLL awwwww, that made me laugh/smile like a reyt goon/ brought a tear to my eye
i love you meg, 


'      vit     ;]      
even though you walk like a pigeon
and have hair like a dyke
and fancy an edge boy who pouts ;)

:L:L fuck off

this is pure jokes. you probably won't get any of that, it's inside jokes atwwww! 
i don't really fancy a twelve year old, don't worry ;)

Tuesday 3 March 2009

hello, i miss you quite terribly

i fell in love; in love with you suddenly,
now there's no place else i could be but here in your arms.

i don't even know right now
what i'm supposed to think 
or feel
or what i'm supposed 
to be concentrating on.
i can't get my priorities right.
i don't even know.

'because you have never felt before
what you're feeling right now.'
that's probably true.
even though i'm not quite sure
of that, even.

it's silly-
how i'm feeling
this second. right now.
because, well it just is.

i've been speaking to you
for a week.
i've met you 
i shouldn't be like this already,
should i?
but now i wont see you
for over a week.
i miss you already.
come back, please.
it makes me feel all funny
in the bottom of my tummy.
it's like the opposite of
i'm not sure if i like it.
i just want you back.
back and mine.
because i like 
how you hold my hand
and play with my hair 
and zip me up in your coat
and pull silly faces at me
and make me smile like a reyt goon.

you should know, it's true
just now, the part about my love for you
and how my heart's about to burst into a thousand
oh, it must be true.

i'm glad to have you back.
i never realised how much i cared
about you
and valued this friendship
until i lost you.
and now're we're back to being
just as close as ever.
and it's amazing how neither
of us can go more than 
four days without
speaking to the other.
when you said you'd
missed me
i couldn't stop smiling.
you, and your ginger fringe
and your suggestive comments,
you make me smile for ages,
you're a dick, boy.
you're a funny, lovely, silly, sarcastic, 
ginger, camp, suggestive,
slutty, beautiful dick.

at the moment, i'm really enjoying
their songs make me smile 

oh, and i got dailybooth.
for the winnnnnnnnnnnnn

Saturday 28 February 2009

boys are so silly. the ones you don't like make you feel guilty for it. the ones that are your friends get jealous of the one who is more that that. the one you like confuse you because you don't know where you stand with them. argh argh argh. anyway, i had a really nice day today. drank abit too much, probably. probably made a massive twat out of myself. i got proposed to aswell, obviously i said yes. that was all lovely. meeting new people etc. seeing old ones. yeahyeahyeah. bit of a comedown on the train home though. some annoying twelve year olds singing lady gaga pissed me off. then some hooded youths in subway tried to chat us up, and we were like, 'narr, you're about ten.'. 

- SERIOUSSSSLYYY where do i stand with you? i don't know if you like me or not. when we're alone together it's so lovely, really, and then when we're in a crowd you just seem to disapear off with other people. maybe you're just a very social person. maybe i'm being too clingy? whatever. i like you. ps. yesyesyesyes, and i think i know you well enough, in answer to your question.
-i'm so glad we've made up. we won't be this silly again. i was stupid, you've always been a good friend.
-what is your problem with me at the moment? it's like you're jealous i talk to other boys when we've never been anything more than close friends. stop getting bag out over nothing and taking it out on me, as i have done nothing wrong, and it would be a shame to loose this.
-nothing. is. going. to. happen. between. us. sorry.
-i appreciated what you did for me today :) it was nice to have space, still knowing that you're my best friend. i love you, and i hope you know that, because i don't tell you enough.


Tuesday 24 February 2009

invaders must die

I decided no clothes suit me. I've been trying to decide what to wear on Saturday, but I have no ideaaaa. I want to wear the skirt and cardigan I wore last time I went but then wouldn't I look abit trampy? Then I decided the jeans I'm gonna wear instead don't go with vest tops because they are too low-rise and all my shirts don't go with my new cardigan I got yesterday. I may just decide to wear the skirt after all and save me all this bother. 

In other news, I think I like someone. I think he may like me too. This is exciting stuff. This makes me smile. Butterfy's ftwwwww;

oh, and I really enjoy doing the weekly Sainsbury shopping with my mum, I don't know why.

Sunday 22 February 2009

do you remember..

How you used to feel when your ball went over the fence into next door's garden? You'd stand at the edge, nervous and looking around to make sure your neighbours couldn't see you, and you jump over the fence, run through the garden, leaping over flower beds and garden ornaments, trying not to disturb anything. Triumphantly you'd grab your ball and make your way out of there as fast as you could.

How you used to subscribe to the Sabrina the Teenage Witch magazine and every week you'd receive new plastic, toy makeup which had it's own special compartment in the purple glittery makeup case you got with issue #5?

How you used to dance around listening to The Spice Girls in your parents bedroom, all dressed up in your Mum's dresses and high heels, plastering your face with her makeup to make yourself feel grownup?

How you'd spend the whole of the summer holidays playing out in the streets with the other kids from your neighbourhood? You'd play street football and stub your toe on the ground all the time, and every five minutes there'd be someone shouting 'CAR!' and everyone would rush to the pavement and wait for the car to go past. You'd play houses and you'd collect plants from your garden to make 'dinner' with. You'd use a bit of rope to tie a skateboard to the back of a bike and be towed around the block, and in the evening you'd sit and eat your meal outside because you didn't want to miss out on the fun and games.

How gathering together in the living room with your family on a Friday night to watch Top of The Pops was a weekly thing? You'd know all the words to every song and keep your fingers crossed the whole way through, hoping your favourite band would be number one.

Or was this just me?

i'm sick of this

i'm sick of this town. i'm sick of the area i live in. i'm sick of seeing the same things and doing the same things everyday. i need out, basically. where i live, it's beautiful and all, you've got the little villages and the beaches and the rolling countryside ecetera ecetera but i've lived here for the majority of my life and it suddenly seems so boring. i don't know, maybe it's just because it's winter but there never seems that there's anything to do. get up, see the same old people, go home, internet. that's basically it. i love my friends, the few that i know that i can really trust mean the whole world to me, but i want some new people for fresh banter. i look forwards to the days off school and off work when me and my best friend can just get on the train and go to exeter, which is our nearest city. i love that place. there are just so many people compared to where i live, and it's lovely  to spend the day with a group of fresh new people, just hang around and have a laugh, basically. the people there are lovely, really. at home you have your group of friends and you stick to it, other people are boring and hard to get along with. my friend was saying to me the other day how all the people we meet when we're elsewhere just seem so outgoing and friendly. i have to say, i don't want to move out just yet but when i do it will be to somewhere totally different to here; some big city somewhere with loads of people. it would make a nice change.

i'm sorry if this post went on, it was too long or whatever, and i apologise for the lack of good grammar and punctuation, i'm just really tired and bored. 

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Bridge on Skins

I watched Skins with my Mother last night. It was the third time I'd seen it, (I watched it twice on Thursday.. in a row)
But it was just entertaining to see what my Mum had to say on the subject.

-"That Katie girl has a speach defect."
-"What a strange girl."
-"Awww, poor Pandora in the bathroom by herself."
-"WTFF Effy's supposed to be Pandora's best friend!"
-"It's perverted isn't it, how Cook knows how to have sex and not how to play twister."
-"Awww, Thomas is so sweet to Pandora."

Keep in mind this is the first episode she's seen. But seriously, should've seen her face during the sex scenes..

Monday 16 February 2009


I got a new book. It's called Host by Stephenie Meyer.
I'm going to go and read it now.
Oh and I got 10 followers today.
Win for Vit!

Sunday 15 February 2009

cupid's got me in his chokehold

{the only thing i really know: i can't sleep at night}

[he didn't really, he seems to have forgotten about me this year]

Thursday 12 February 2009


I just finished my english coursework; it was a review on Slumdog Millionaire and I'm actually really proud of it :]


2. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and fathers middle names)
Jane (I don't know my fathers middle name)

3. NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Barry (I don't know my father's dad's name)

4. STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

5. DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
Orange Dog

6. SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
(Don't have a middle name) Supanburi (Or something along those lines, I blatantly know alot about myself)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Purple Archers

8. FLY NAME:(first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)

9.STREET NAME:(fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
Fish Food Smarties

10. SKANK NAME: (1st pet's name, street you grew up on)
Sundance Chapel

11. GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of last name plus 'izzle')

12. YOUR IRAQI NAME:(2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name)

13. YOUR GOTH NAME:(black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black Betty

14.ROCK STAR NAME:(current pet's name, current street name)
Fando Chapel

15. STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Alien Flying Saucers (That went so well together)

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Thursday 5 February 2009


Username: isthisthefateoftoday

Why did you pick it?: i think it's a line out of a song :)

Who did you first subscribe to?: no idea, was so long ago! probably someone like fred... :|

Who did you most recently subscribe to?: i couldn't tell you, i subscribe very often.

What does your last text message say?: 'g-unott'

Do you have any goals?: enjoy school more, do well in exams, meet lovely people, loose weight, become more confident.

What was the last thing you bought?: ages ago, it was lunch on monday.

Describe the person who posted this using one line?: lovely.

Are you excited about anything?: this weekend + half term.

Do you have a crush? umm, maybe. not sure if you can call it that yet.

Have you ever been drunk?: yes. i'm not straight-edge i'm afraid.

Who was the first Youtuber you met in real life?: i haven't (n)

Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: dittooo

Do you pefer day or night?: night all the way.

Are you a member of any collab channels?: no, i'm hardly a member of my own channel.

Do you have a secret account?: not so much secret, just old ones i don't use anymore.

Do you believe in God?: i don't think so.

Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: myself 8-|

Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: pretty much everyone i subscribe to. 

You may only subscrie to 5 channels and only watch their videos. who will they be?: let's see, livelavalive, corporalcadet, and some others; i can't decide!

Are you in a relationship?: nope

Would you date a smoker?: yeah.

Where is your favourite place?: anywhere as long as i'm with decent people who i love.

Are you a happy person?: most of the time :)

Would you kiss the person who posted this?: ummmmm, on the cheek.

What would you take to the desert island? : a phone, a laptop, my favourite people, food, a dingy ;)

Do you prefer sun or snow?: usually i would say sun, but right now, snow please, purely for the fact i don't want school tomorrow.

Who did you last speak to on the phone? jamie b, i was half asleep :)

Who did you last text?: arlene.

What are you doing tommorow?: school. urrh and work.

What is your favourite flavour of potato chips?: i like walkers sensations thai sweet chili ones.

What size are your feet?: 6, sometimes five.

What do you want?: someone for valentines.

What do you need?: someone for valentines.

What do you remember?: the memories 

What do you wish
?: I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy... 

Wednesday 4 February 2009

sometimes not only white

sometimes yellow ;) 
because i win at annagrams ;D

yeah, so i haven't posted a blog in a while, and what with all this snow (or lack of atm) it seems kind of apropriate. so it's been snowing here. and i haven't seen proper snow since i was about four and then woah there! 'heaviest snow in the uk in twenty years' comes along and closes all our roads and shuts all our school. fucking yes :)

monday it was snowing a tiny bit, but it didn't settle much. then i woke up tuesday morning to absoloutley everything covered in snow and we had the day off. today everything's melted but it's supposed to be heavily snowing tonight, so hopefully we'll all have tomorrow off again :) 

i know everybody's probably so sick of snow blogs and snow vlogs and generally things about snow all over the internet, but i think it's fucking exciting :)

Monday 2 February 2009

Friday 30 January 2009

you make me feel so alive

- when i see couples out, i'm like 'WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT!?' i dislike when people display public shows of affection, although if it were me and i was half of a couple, i'm sure my opinions would change somewhat.
- for some reason, and i'm going to sound really weird now, i really like when you can hear musicians or singers or whoever singing, and in between the words you can hear them take a breath. i don't know why but it just makes the song feel better to me. 
- sometimes i want to change my name to the name of a girl that there's a song based around, (think kelsey - metro station or ashley - escape the fate) then i could pretend that the song was about me. or if not, someone could always write a song about me? i'm not sure what they could sing, or what you could rhyme vitanee with, but i'll keep my fingers crossed just in case.

i love to hear that voice, and honestly, i'm left with no choice. i've been playing to much guitar, i've been listening to jazz. i've called so many times i swear you're going mad.

tagged inat

I was tagged by Steph :)

Five Things Most People Don't Know About Me:

1. I have mood swings. Like, all the time. Really bad ones too. I'l be really happy one minute and then suddenly be a bitch. That doesn't really work as one of my five, because most people do know about it. I wont tell if you don't?

2. I really, really want to find someone new. Be it a boy or just some new friends, I don't mind. My friends are all amazing and I love them and everything, I'm just getting kind of bored of doing the same old thing with the same old people. I'd like to try something brand new, please.

3. I'm disgusted sometimes by the way I look. I would, if I could, change a million and one things about me. I'm not confident at all about myself. 

4. I wish I could talk to my mother more about things. I mean, she's always there for me to talk to, but there are just some things that you cannot talk to your parents about, you know? She wouldn't be too happy to know about half the things I do. I just wish she was more understanding, so I could open up and not be worried that she'll be disappointed in me.

5. I'm worried I'm getting shitter and shitter at school. This year has just been downhill from the word go. I just can't concentrate in classes anymore, and everything just bored me. I want to go to college now.

I tag;

I do apologise if you've already been tagged.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

hello, i am the queen, would you like to give me kisses?

Hi, I'm Vit & people tell lies about me.

Because they're too bored with their own lives, so they make up stories about mine to make their's sound better.
Whatever, I'll get over it. I don't even care; everyone knows it's not true.
You're pretty pathetic anyway.

Did you like that Skins reference there? ")

Sunday 25 January 2009

i like urbandictionary better than i like you

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.

1) Your name? - Vitanee
vitanee is: 
1: when your trying to express the fact that you are super horny. 
2: when asking for a bus ticket. 
3: a word to replace every other word.
1:guy 1: oh jeez man look at that pic! 
guy/gal 2: yeah its soo good! just makes me so vitanee. 
2:hey mate can i have a return vitanee? 
3: vitanee vitanee vitanee vitanee, vitanee! hahaha vitanee? vitanee!
2) Your age? - 14
The age of sexual consent in CANADA. When you turn 14 you can be fucked.
ME: Now that you're 14 we can FUCK! 
3) One of your friends? - Meg
short and sweet just like her name..a hot girl with a lot of potential for lovin. shes always got some man chasing after her and she has really cool friends (but nobody likes them).
Guy 1: have you seen meg lately? shes looking pretty fine 
Guy 2: yea i really wanted to ask her out but shes already got 3 boyfriends 
Guy: my life is over without meg
4) What should you be doing? – Homework
homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor. (See evil,torturewrongcruelunjustsatancrap)
my satan teacher gave me crap
5) Favorite color? - Purple
Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!
6) Birthplace? - Thailand
A country where u go for delicious food.
yam-wun-sen, pad thai, larb, rowm-mit, tom-yam-kung and so on.. 
a-roy mak mak ka~*^^*(it's soooo delicious~)
7) Month of your birthday? – July
A month when mostly the hottest girls are born
That girls so hot she must be born in July
8) Last person you talked to? -  Mum
A word americans don't know how to spell 
townies use the phrase 'your mum' as an insult
me: fuck off 
Townie: your mum
9) One of your nicknames? - Vit
Came from the word cup-of-it
Bob it's been a long day...grab me a cup of vit.
10) Last ex? - A Prick :)
1. a penis 
2. derogatory term used to sum up the existance of a worthless asshole
That prick stole my girlfriend.

Friday 23 January 2009

there's a pattern emerging

I don't really know what to write, like a structured and planned out paragraph or anything, so I'll just write a few things down that I feel like mentioning :)

  • I'm listening to Glamour For Better & I love them :) 
  • I'm on Dan's laptop while he's out at a friends, I'm being really sneaky; deleting all my history and such because I'm not supposed to be on here.
  • Tonight was going to be really good, me and my best friend, curries, alcohol, stand up comedy DVD's and Superbad. But now she has to babysit and can't come, so that sucks :| 
  • Now I'm listening to Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects, which is another song i quite enjoy listening to :)
  • Tonight will be home with my mum watching the Big Brother Final and maybe Superbad.
  • Skins last night as amazing I thought :) Apart from the lame little skating bit at the beginning with the sparks and the ollying over the roadworks, yeah I thought it was pretty damn good :) I love, love Freddie :)

I think that's pretty much it :)

Thursday 22 January 2009

i am the rumour

I am so excited for skins :) :) :)
3 hrs and 15 minutes until it starts!

Thank you, that is all.

Sunday 18 January 2009

you can be the ghost in my heart, you can be the smile i don't want

i will be the fly on your wall;

you will be the distance inbetween, you will be everything i need.

Saturday 17 January 2009


Things annoy me alot.
First off, myself; I'M SO LAZY IT'S UNBELIEVABLE.
Then there's this weather that caused everyone to be sick and so now there is absoloutley zero people who are doing anything today which leaves me sosososo bored.
My boss; who made me work last night when I could have gone to that party which would have been pretty enjoyable. My boss again, who is making me work tonight aswell.
People who let me down; they organise things with you then cancel at the last minute and irritates me helluva lot. 'Ooh it's too cold and dark to go out today,' IT'S JANUARY, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Get a coat or something, I'm sure you'll survive.
Not to mention I have the munchies so bad.
So yeah, now I'm stuck at home all day. Bored shitless I expect.

BUT ON THE OTHER HAND; I am happy for the following reasons:
I just got a truthbox comment on myspace from my best friend and it made me laugh for about ten minutes.
I have recently aquired MGMT's album and Me You At Six's too (Finallyy).
My brother isn't here at the moment, which means he's annoying someone else apart from me.
I'm planning on making myself some noodle soup in a minute so that should be good.
This song makes me want to dance. (Kids - MGMT)
I'm quite proud of the little playo n words I did with the title. (Mona/Moaner. Yeah? ;) Hahah shhhh,)
It's getting closer to summer with everyday. (I know it's half a year away, but shhuushh)
Because I'm not going out it means I'm not cold.
Because I'm working tonight and I did tomorrow it = MONIEZ.
And I started a new book last night which is quite good :)


Thursday 15 January 2009

no title

It annoys me how I can't get signal on my phone when I'm expecting a text or a call, but when I don't want to answer my phone when a particular person rings, (My boss; would be physically impossible for me to work tonight. Too tired) I can't not get signal. Usually, when I'm sat at the computer; zero bars. Today. Five bars? Woah there! So I ended up just turning my phone off, and standing by the house phone to make sure noone answered it.
It's raining again, and I don't like it.
I can't be bothered to get up in the morning because it's too early, so I hardly have enough time to do anything in the morning.
In other news we had mock's this week. Physics; A. Biology; A* and Chemistry; A.
I'm quite proud of myself as I did zero revision :)
WHY IS EVERYONE ILL LATELY? I don't like it. It means I have to force myself to make conversation with people I usually wouldn't or with people where I know there is some sort of tension between us, when I can't be bothered to do anything.
And I'm in confusion over what to do this weekend :O
Do I get friday off work and go to this party Sam's asked me to go to with, with 200+ people, none of whom I have ever met before?
Or do I get Saturday off and go to a gig with my best friends and other people I enjoy the company of?
Or is my boss going to say I need to work both days and I die?
Hmm :\
Skins starts in a week :D I'm proper excited; I love skins ttm.
If I wanted I could watch teh premier of the first episode on myspace or something, but I chose not to because I'd rather be all excited for a week, and then when it comes to the 22nd; 10pm, sitting down infront of the TV with a hot chocolate or other beverage and enjoy lovlaayyy skins which I have missed alot.
I miss Chris :(
I hope the cast is as good as tha last one (yn)
Anyway, I'm sure nobody has read this or found this in any way interesting but I thought I'd write everything down. :)

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Right then.

My new years resoloution was to loose weight, and this year I'm going to take it seriously.
  • I'm going running with my Mum whenever we can.
  • Me and Meg are going to start going swimming or to the gym once a week.
  • I've started making sure I eat five fruits and vegetables a day.
  • That means replacing junk food like crisps and chocolate for fruit.
  • Eat less subwaysssssssss! :L

Mmkay. ♥

Saturday 10 January 2009

'Where are we in time?' he said.

'You know... where do we exist? When do we exist? In the past, the present, the future? I mean, we don't live in the past do we? And we don't live in the future. So that only leaves the present.' He was grinning a bit too madly for my liking now. 'But when's the present?' he said. 'When is now? How long does it last? A second, half a second... a millionth of a second? You can't just be alive in a millionth of a second, can you? It doesn't make sense.'
Extract from 'Black Rabbit Summer' by Kevin Brooks. Pg 101
I went to a gig on Friday night. If you've read my blog, in particular the post about the 'Winter Festival' thing with The Saturdays, then you'll probably remember a girl I talked about who stood next to me and 'danced' in her high heels and kept standing on my feet. Anyways, this gig, it was inside this time. In a pub. The bands started and we made our ways to the front, by the stage. The music was good, we were all having the time of our lives, when look who pushes through the crowd to stand at the front next to me. High heel girl. And have a guess at what she's wearing on her feet? Yup, high heels. And what do you reckon she was doing? Yeah, her little 'dance' that involved grinding her arse into the people all around her, waving her arms in peoples faces and shaking her head, there were extensions all over the shop. Blah blah blah, moan, whinge. She annoyed me helluva lot. I think my feet have died form the amount of stabbings it received from old pointy heels. But anyway, she pissed off after a while and we carried on as before.
As I said, the music was proper good, and we saw some old friends there who we haven't seen in quite a while (Granted, they were all off their faces but it was lovely none the less.)
Anyway. The bit at the top is from a book I read a few weeks ago called 'Black Rabbit Summer'. It is honesty so good, I couldn't put it down. It must be one of the best books I've read since The Twilight Sega. But at the moment, I'm reading a book called 'The Wasp Factory' which is also pretty good, although pretty macabre. My Mum suggested I read it the day before yesterday and now I'm hooked :)
Tomorrow will be a day of revision, coursework and speech writing for English Lit.
Wooo Hoooooooooo.

Wednesday 7 January 2009


So, this was supposed to be a Skype thing but as I don't have it I'll do it on msn.
I'm guessing the rules, as where I got it from didn't actually say what was meant to happen;
but I'm gonna say that basically, you write something to or about everyone who is online on msn, skype, aim or whatever.
Yeah, here's mine.
-We should talk more; you seem nice.
-I think you're nice and proper funny :)
-What we had was good. I don't miss you.
-Your lovely.
-Your such a good friend. You make me laugh times a billion but you get slightly irritating after a while.
-Your nice when you're on your own, otherwise you just blank us?
-Meeeee :)
-We don't really talk. I don't get why people add people and then don't talk? you're one of them.
-I think you added me from a group conversation, you seem kind of odd :)
-Another of those people who add and don't talk. Make an effort :)
-I find you irritating. You're a sleaze and I wish you'd leave me alone.
-You're a funny lad.
-We have some good conversations every now and again, you seem nice.
-Once we were best friends, but then you started to annoy me with everything you did. I think we're better off as just aquaintances.
-Don't really like you. You don't like me either.
-You're fucking annoying. Just because you're friends with my little brother doesn't mean you can harass me every five seconds.
-You're so strange, I'm sorry.
-We used to talk, now we don't. I've met you a few times, you seem alright.
-Ahhh, I love you :) You're so funny and fully one of my bestest mates.
-Talk to me again, you're well alright ;D
-No idea who you are.
-You're arrogant. And you're shallow.
-I think we could have been good friends :)
-You're such a lovely lass, you're a good listener too.
-Who are you?
-Add but no talk.
-You seem depressed alot. I'll cheer you up!
-Used to be such good friends, now I find you annoying.
-Ahhhhhh, Austria with you was so good. You're a good friend and you're nice and you're funny. ILY
-I wish you'd realise you need to marry me ;)
-You don't like me, do you?
-I love your accent :) It was nice to meet you.
-You're hilarious, good times when we're with you.
-We used to be like thiss (yn) you're such a good lad.
-You're funny, I used to think you were alright but now I think you're slightly stuck up.
-Chin up, babes :)
-I don't know you.
-So lovely, a best friend for sure. I think you need to take people advice when it's given to you, however.
-Aquaintances? I don't know you all that well.
-We used to be best friends until you moved a million miles away five years ago. I still miss you!
-We used to be best friends, but then we grew apart. I still like you and I hope we get to know eachother again this year.
-Who are you?
-We had something once upon a time. It was nice.
-You look so much like someone I got with once.
-Bless you, you're fucking cute. You're lovely too. I wish we still talked. I love your name.
-Nice to meet you. Shame you blank us when you're with your girlfriend though.
-You're odd. I was chuffed to be your friend once, but now, not so much.
-You used to like me apparently then you went to college. You're alright.
-You're fun.
-It's hard to work you out. You're nice though.
-Haven't spoken in years!
-I think you're a lovely lad, but sometimes you're slightly bigheaded and act like a nob to show off.
-Thank you so much :)
-Oooft ;) Wish I was a few years older.
-You're lovely lovely, especially when you're in a good mood. You make me laugh 'til my tummy kinda hurts.
-Don't know who you are.
-You're alright, but you come on abit strong, calm thou passions.
-You're so so nice.
-Hahahaha, you make me laugh.
-Bit of a twat nowadays.
-I forget who you are.