Thursday 5 February 2009


Username: isthisthefateoftoday

Why did you pick it?: i think it's a line out of a song :)

Who did you first subscribe to?: no idea, was so long ago! probably someone like fred... :|

Who did you most recently subscribe to?: i couldn't tell you, i subscribe very often.

What does your last text message say?: 'g-unott'

Do you have any goals?: enjoy school more, do well in exams, meet lovely people, loose weight, become more confident.

What was the last thing you bought?: ages ago, it was lunch on monday.

Describe the person who posted this using one line?: lovely.

Are you excited about anything?: this weekend + half term.

Do you have a crush? umm, maybe. not sure if you can call it that yet.

Have you ever been drunk?: yes. i'm not straight-edge i'm afraid.

Who was the first Youtuber you met in real life?: i haven't (n)

Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: dittooo

Do you pefer day or night?: night all the way.

Are you a member of any collab channels?: no, i'm hardly a member of my own channel.

Do you have a secret account?: not so much secret, just old ones i don't use anymore.

Do you believe in God?: i don't think so.

Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: myself 8-|

Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: pretty much everyone i subscribe to. 

You may only subscrie to 5 channels and only watch their videos. who will they be?: let's see, livelavalive, corporalcadet, and some others; i can't decide!

Are you in a relationship?: nope

Would you date a smoker?: yeah.

Where is your favourite place?: anywhere as long as i'm with decent people who i love.

Are you a happy person?: most of the time :)

Would you kiss the person who posted this?: ummmmm, on the cheek.

What would you take to the desert island? : a phone, a laptop, my favourite people, food, a dingy ;)

Do you prefer sun or snow?: usually i would say sun, but right now, snow please, purely for the fact i don't want school tomorrow.

Who did you last speak to on the phone? jamie b, i was half asleep :)

Who did you last text?: arlene.

What are you doing tommorow?: school. urrh and work.

What is your favourite flavour of potato chips?: i like walkers sensations thai sweet chili ones.

What size are your feet?: 6, sometimes five.

What do you want?: someone for valentines.

What do you need?: someone for valentines.

What do you remember?: the memories 

What do you wish
?: I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy... 

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