Friday 27 March 2009

'..and it can be unsettling to hear yourself describe as you have thought of yourself in your most honest and  abject moods, just as it is humbling to hear what you have thought about in your most hopeful and unrealistic moments.'

Tuesday 24 March 2009

first impression

So bored.

Here are the first line from 25 songs, tell me what songs they are :)

1 - I hope you hang yourself with your h&m scarf, whilst jacking off listening to Mozart.

2 - C-C-C-Cinamon lips and candy kissed on my tongue.

3 - I'm sipping coffee at a quarter to two.

4 - Can't get the stink out, it's been hanging round for days.

5 - I've got a bad feeling that I went and got dirt on your knees.

6 - Glamorous indie rock and roll is what I want.

7 - I wont stand in your way.

8 - You got your popstar, I'll be your rockstar, when it's a suicide you call it superstar.

9 - Let it go, there's no way you can save it now.

10 - With a long range weapon or a suicide bomber.

11 - Face down, this is where it leads you, too far.

12 - Baby can't you see, I'm calling, a guy like you should wear a warning.

13 - Now there Mardy Bum, I've seen your frown and it's like looking down the barrel of a  gun.

14 - You've seen me last night, working the room, (?)

15 - I'm not loving you the way I wanted to.

16 - A green plastic can for a fake chinese rubber plant.

17 - I heard you're a stranger to playing funny games, I heard you got all the boys numbers and names.

18 - It's 2.45 the baby takes it's first breath, the mother never knew he only had a few left.

19 - I'm in love with the girl I hate, she enjoys pointing out every bad thing about me.

20 - Can't you see he's the man, let me hear you applaud, he is more than a man he's a shiny golden god.

21 - I said you can have whatever you like, I said you can have whatever you like, yeahh.

22 - Just incase they're wondering, they've got us {something} terribly.

23 -  Times are strange, we've got a free upgrade for snakes on a plan, fuck 'em I don't care.

24 - She said I'm Rosie, I said I thought you were Lucy, she said I'm Rosie I told you so.

25 - The first day I saw her was at the train station, she was half black, half caucasian.


Saturday 21 March 2009

i fucked up

psyche, i'm kidding again you idiot, no i didn't,
that's just what you wanted to hear from me,
that i fucked up, ain't it?


Friday 20 March 2009


you don't give a shit about me, do you?
you don't care that i could have died that night.
that anything could of happened to me
but you just left me practically all on my own.
i was a state
you can't have thought i'd be able to look after myself.
i was in no condition to be given any kind of responsibility
let alone the responsibility
of finding my way home on my own.
i don't remember anything.
you could be taking advantage of that fact.
you took advantage of me
and the state i was in
you... i don't know the words to describe you
i feel sick just to think about it.
i hate you, i think.
i now realise that all of you
bar one, don't give a fuck about me
you just care about yourself
and saving yourself from getting into trouble
i don't think you even thought twice about me
you just walked away
left me lying there.
you're selfish.
i'm glad i have my real friends
the loyal ones who wouldn't have left me
they would have been there
they would have done the right thing
and called someone
like i'm glad that one person did
and now you have the nerve to call her a stupid bitch
for the fact that she called my mum? 
it all just boils back down to the fact 
that you're selfish and you only care about yourselves.
you wouldn't have cared what happened to me
as long as you were safe and sound and came across as the innocent ones.
you made up a lie.
a twisted, unbelievably tabgled web of, basically,
bull shit. just so you seemed the good guys,
so you were in the clear. i was the one who the blame should fall on
it was all my fault. you couldn't stop me.
but that's the thing that hurts the most.
you could have stopped me.
you could of, if you had cared, stopped me from doing
the stupid and just plain wrong things you tell me about doing
you're laughing at me, the next day, you're telling me what i did
and you're laughing
and i'm thinking,
what if it had been you? would you want this?
wouldn't you expect your so called friends to stop you
when you're about to do something so horrible
and so out of charector for me.
i'm upset just thinking about it.
and you.
i don't know what to say about you,
other than i think you're pathetic.
you were so wrong
and so out of order it's unreal.
you were taking advantage,
no matter what you say. 
you cannot say that i was in the condition to be able to consent
to anything.
i was on the floor. i couldn't move.
you were fine to walk away from me
and act sober when anyone asked.
you cannot say that this is in the least bit fair
on me. on my mother.
on my real friends.
they were so worried and it chokes me up just to think about
what they all must have been going through
when i was gone.
i was so stupid.
yeah i'm angry at you.
i'm angry at the rest for leaving me.
i'm angry at everyone there, except one,
who banded together and lied and made up a story
so you wouldn't get in trouble
not caring what happened to me.
but most of all i'm angry at myself
for letting me do that to myself.
i always told myself i'd never be that stupid.
i'd never put myself into a situation like that
but i did
and it makes me feel sick.

Thursday 19 March 2009

i'm a mess

i typed it out, 
i don't want to say it anymore.
i deleted it.
i feel sick,
i hate this.

i love my friends.

Tuesday 17 March 2009


(blogger fixed itself, pheeeeeeew ;D)

Open your player and:

Total number of tracks: 699 (the rest of my music's on the other computer)

Sort by song title:
-First song: A - Cartel
-Last song: 9mm and a three piece suit - Catch 22

Sort by time:
-Shortest song: The Divide - Tenacious D (0:22)
-Longest song: No Sleep Mixtape - Party Shank (54:10)

Sort by album:
First song: Intro - Muse
-Last song: (A load of my songs don't have an album, so i'll just take the last song with an album) D.A.N.C.E. - Justice

Top 10 most played songs:
1. Low Cover - Brokencyde
2. Blue Steel - Brokencyde
3. Sugar Cube - Porcelain and The Tramps
4. Wasted - Cartel
5. Just Loose It - Eminem
6. My Leftovers - Porcelain and The Tramps
7. Trouble - NeverShoutNever!
8. I Love You - We Smoke Fags
9. Do it For Me Now - Angels & Airwaves
10. I Rape Myself - Caliban

First five songs that comes up on Party Shuffle:
1. Ass Like That - Eminem
2. Apocolypse Please - Muse
3. I Love You - We Smoke Fags
4. My Dad's Gone Crazy - Eminem
5. Street Spirit - Radiohead

Search ....
"sex", how many songs come up? 6
"love", how many songs come up? 16
"you", how many songs come up? 105
"death", how many songs come up? 5
"hate", how many songs come up? 14
"wish" how many songs come up? 0

err, excuse me

'Welcome to the Reading List. Here are all the updates from any blogs you follow and sites you've joined using Google FriendConnect.
  • You are not currently following any blogs. Use the "add" button below to enter blogs you'd like to follow in your Reading List.'
i am actually. i'm following quite a few.
and i'd quite appreciate being able to read them please! :@

Friday 13 March 2009

sail away with me

i like when people like what i do.
i appreciate every follower i have,
and i smile i everytime i get a new comment.

and i enjoy when people make youtube video's based on my blogs (:

Tuesday 10 March 2009

when she does it like this will you do it like that?

when i chew my nails it means i'm worried.
when i suck my thumb it means i'm tired.
when i put my necklace in my mouth it means i'm bored.
when i put my fist over my mouth it means i'm feeling shy.
when i cross my arms in front of my tummy it means i feel fat.
when i put my hair behind my ears it means i'm concentrating.
when i chew the end of my pen it means i don't know what i'm doing.
when i tap my fingers on the table it means i'm impatient.
when i tap my feet it means i'm excited.
when i say i love you it means i love you.
when i hold your hand it means i don't want to let go.
when i am with you it means i'm happy.

Monday 9 March 2009

i' rofled for over 9000 years!

Having a conversation about how fit certain celebrity males are. And he reckons he's straight ;)
He said he's shoot me if i print screened that, but pfft fuck it, he doesn't read this ;D
and LOW DISK SPACE? stfu, stupid pc.

Sunday 8 March 2009


Love. Angel. Music. Baby. Hurry up and come and save me.

MUSIC (mu-sic) n. 1. The art of organizing sound. Vocal sounds having some degree of rhythm, melody and harmony. 2. A musical composition or body of such compositions. 3. The soundtrack of my life, feel it, shut up and listen, keep on dancing. (see also) life.

So, it's 1pm on a Sunday. I haven't been up this early on a Sunday for such a long time, let alone be home from town already. I went shopping with my mum. We were in Boots and I showed her the Harajuku Lovers Fragrance stand. We were smelling all the testers for ages, and in the end she bought me Music and she got Love. The bottles are really cute! They have little dolls for the lids, the one I got has a doll with a sailor suit on. Then on the way home in the car, she was just telling me how when she used to live in Tokyo, she'd go every Sunday to the park in Harajuku and see all the people dressed up and listen to the music and go to the market and things. It sounds like so much fun. I'll have to go there one day.

I'm feeling  alot better today. Fuck it all tbh, I don't even give a shit any more :)


the sky.

stupid boys. stupid boys. i always go for the shit ones. then i get hurt. fucks sake. luckily this time i was warned. 'he's a player. honestly i'm being serious. he fucked my girl' 'seriously, i wouldn't, he just wants meaningless sex.' ecetera ecetera. my best friends got some problems with boys at the moment aswell. it's times like this when we get together and have the lovliest conversations. they just make me love her so much more :)

ohh i do love you.

'      vit     ;]    
:) i love you too meg

Even if you Do fancie a 12 year old and like Harry Hall 
and even if you are a light weight
& even if you are shy :D
but you make me laugh & smile oh sooo much :D
& i had a lovely day today:D

'      vit   ;]
LOLLLLLLL awwwww, that made me laugh/smile like a reyt goon/ brought a tear to my eye
i love you meg, 


'      vit     ;]      
even though you walk like a pigeon
and have hair like a dyke
and fancy an edge boy who pouts ;)

:L:L fuck off

this is pure jokes. you probably won't get any of that, it's inside jokes atwwww! 
i don't really fancy a twelve year old, don't worry ;)

Tuesday 3 March 2009

hello, i miss you quite terribly

i fell in love; in love with you suddenly,
now there's no place else i could be but here in your arms.

i don't even know right now
what i'm supposed to think 
or feel
or what i'm supposed 
to be concentrating on.
i can't get my priorities right.
i don't even know.

'because you have never felt before
what you're feeling right now.'
that's probably true.
even though i'm not quite sure
of that, even.

it's silly-
how i'm feeling
this second. right now.
because, well it just is.

i've been speaking to you
for a week.
i've met you 
i shouldn't be like this already,
should i?
but now i wont see you
for over a week.
i miss you already.
come back, please.
it makes me feel all funny
in the bottom of my tummy.
it's like the opposite of
i'm not sure if i like it.
i just want you back.
back and mine.
because i like 
how you hold my hand
and play with my hair 
and zip me up in your coat
and pull silly faces at me
and make me smile like a reyt goon.

you should know, it's true
just now, the part about my love for you
and how my heart's about to burst into a thousand
oh, it must be true.

i'm glad to have you back.
i never realised how much i cared
about you
and valued this friendship
until i lost you.
and now're we're back to being
just as close as ever.
and it's amazing how neither
of us can go more than 
four days without
speaking to the other.
when you said you'd
missed me
i couldn't stop smiling.
you, and your ginger fringe
and your suggestive comments,
you make me smile for ages,
you're a dick, boy.
you're a funny, lovely, silly, sarcastic, 
ginger, camp, suggestive,
slutty, beautiful dick.

at the moment, i'm really enjoying
their songs make me smile 

oh, and i got dailybooth.
for the winnnnnnnnnnnnn