Friday 30 January 2009

you make me feel so alive

- when i see couples out, i'm like 'WHY CAN'T I HAVE THAT!?' i dislike when people display public shows of affection, although if it were me and i was half of a couple, i'm sure my opinions would change somewhat.
- for some reason, and i'm going to sound really weird now, i really like when you can hear musicians or singers or whoever singing, and in between the words you can hear them take a breath. i don't know why but it just makes the song feel better to me. 
- sometimes i want to change my name to the name of a girl that there's a song based around, (think kelsey - metro station or ashley - escape the fate) then i could pretend that the song was about me. or if not, someone could always write a song about me? i'm not sure what they could sing, or what you could rhyme vitanee with, but i'll keep my fingers crossed just in case.

i love to hear that voice, and honestly, i'm left with no choice. i've been playing to much guitar, i've been listening to jazz. i've called so many times i swear you're going mad.

tagged inat

I was tagged by Steph :)

Five Things Most People Don't Know About Me:

1. I have mood swings. Like, all the time. Really bad ones too. I'l be really happy one minute and then suddenly be a bitch. That doesn't really work as one of my five, because most people do know about it. I wont tell if you don't?

2. I really, really want to find someone new. Be it a boy or just some new friends, I don't mind. My friends are all amazing and I love them and everything, I'm just getting kind of bored of doing the same old thing with the same old people. I'd like to try something brand new, please.

3. I'm disgusted sometimes by the way I look. I would, if I could, change a million and one things about me. I'm not confident at all about myself. 

4. I wish I could talk to my mother more about things. I mean, she's always there for me to talk to, but there are just some things that you cannot talk to your parents about, you know? She wouldn't be too happy to know about half the things I do. I just wish she was more understanding, so I could open up and not be worried that she'll be disappointed in me.

5. I'm worried I'm getting shitter and shitter at school. This year has just been downhill from the word go. I just can't concentrate in classes anymore, and everything just bored me. I want to go to college now.

I tag;

I do apologise if you've already been tagged.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

hello, i am the queen, would you like to give me kisses?

Hi, I'm Vit & people tell lies about me.

Because they're too bored with their own lives, so they make up stories about mine to make their's sound better.
Whatever, I'll get over it. I don't even care; everyone knows it's not true.
You're pretty pathetic anyway.

Did you like that Skins reference there? ")

Sunday 25 January 2009

i like urbandictionary better than i like you

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.

1) Your name? - Vitanee
vitanee is: 
1: when your trying to express the fact that you are super horny. 
2: when asking for a bus ticket. 
3: a word to replace every other word.
1:guy 1: oh jeez man look at that pic! 
guy/gal 2: yeah its soo good! just makes me so vitanee. 
2:hey mate can i have a return vitanee? 
3: vitanee vitanee vitanee vitanee, vitanee! hahaha vitanee? vitanee!
2) Your age? - 14
The age of sexual consent in CANADA. When you turn 14 you can be fucked.
ME: Now that you're 14 we can FUCK! 
3) One of your friends? - Meg
short and sweet just like her name..a hot girl with a lot of potential for lovin. shes always got some man chasing after her and she has really cool friends (but nobody likes them).
Guy 1: have you seen meg lately? shes looking pretty fine 
Guy 2: yea i really wanted to ask her out but shes already got 3 boyfriends 
Guy: my life is over without meg
4) What should you be doing? – Homework
homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor. (See evil,torturewrongcruelunjustsatancrap)
my satan teacher gave me crap
5) Favorite color? - Purple
Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!
6) Birthplace? - Thailand
A country where u go for delicious food.
yam-wun-sen, pad thai, larb, rowm-mit, tom-yam-kung and so on.. 
a-roy mak mak ka~*^^*(it's soooo delicious~)
7) Month of your birthday? – July
A month when mostly the hottest girls are born
That girls so hot she must be born in July
8) Last person you talked to? -  Mum
A word americans don't know how to spell 
townies use the phrase 'your mum' as an insult
me: fuck off 
Townie: your mum
9) One of your nicknames? - Vit
Came from the word cup-of-it
Bob it's been a long day...grab me a cup of vit.
10) Last ex? - A Prick :)
1. a penis 
2. derogatory term used to sum up the existance of a worthless asshole
That prick stole my girlfriend.

Friday 23 January 2009

there's a pattern emerging

I don't really know what to write, like a structured and planned out paragraph or anything, so I'll just write a few things down that I feel like mentioning :)

  • I'm listening to Glamour For Better & I love them :) 
  • I'm on Dan's laptop while he's out at a friends, I'm being really sneaky; deleting all my history and such because I'm not supposed to be on here.
  • Tonight was going to be really good, me and my best friend, curries, alcohol, stand up comedy DVD's and Superbad. But now she has to babysit and can't come, so that sucks :| 
  • Now I'm listening to Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects, which is another song i quite enjoy listening to :)
  • Tonight will be home with my mum watching the Big Brother Final and maybe Superbad.
  • Skins last night as amazing I thought :) Apart from the lame little skating bit at the beginning with the sparks and the ollying over the roadworks, yeah I thought it was pretty damn good :) I love, love Freddie :)

I think that's pretty much it :)

Thursday 22 January 2009

i am the rumour

I am so excited for skins :) :) :)
3 hrs and 15 minutes until it starts!

Thank you, that is all.

Sunday 18 January 2009

you can be the ghost in my heart, you can be the smile i don't want

i will be the fly on your wall;

you will be the distance inbetween, you will be everything i need.

Saturday 17 January 2009


Things annoy me alot.
First off, myself; I'M SO LAZY IT'S UNBELIEVABLE.
Then there's this weather that caused everyone to be sick and so now there is absoloutley zero people who are doing anything today which leaves me sosososo bored.
My boss; who made me work last night when I could have gone to that party which would have been pretty enjoyable. My boss again, who is making me work tonight aswell.
People who let me down; they organise things with you then cancel at the last minute and irritates me helluva lot. 'Ooh it's too cold and dark to go out today,' IT'S JANUARY, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? Get a coat or something, I'm sure you'll survive.
Not to mention I have the munchies so bad.
So yeah, now I'm stuck at home all day. Bored shitless I expect.

BUT ON THE OTHER HAND; I am happy for the following reasons:
I just got a truthbox comment on myspace from my best friend and it made me laugh for about ten minutes.
I have recently aquired MGMT's album and Me You At Six's too (Finallyy).
My brother isn't here at the moment, which means he's annoying someone else apart from me.
I'm planning on making myself some noodle soup in a minute so that should be good.
This song makes me want to dance. (Kids - MGMT)
I'm quite proud of the little playo n words I did with the title. (Mona/Moaner. Yeah? ;) Hahah shhhh,)
It's getting closer to summer with everyday. (I know it's half a year away, but shhuushh)
Because I'm not going out it means I'm not cold.
Because I'm working tonight and I did tomorrow it = MONIEZ.
And I started a new book last night which is quite good :)


Thursday 15 January 2009

no title

It annoys me how I can't get signal on my phone when I'm expecting a text or a call, but when I don't want to answer my phone when a particular person rings, (My boss; would be physically impossible for me to work tonight. Too tired) I can't not get signal. Usually, when I'm sat at the computer; zero bars. Today. Five bars? Woah there! So I ended up just turning my phone off, and standing by the house phone to make sure noone answered it.
It's raining again, and I don't like it.
I can't be bothered to get up in the morning because it's too early, so I hardly have enough time to do anything in the morning.
In other news we had mock's this week. Physics; A. Biology; A* and Chemistry; A.
I'm quite proud of myself as I did zero revision :)
WHY IS EVERYONE ILL LATELY? I don't like it. It means I have to force myself to make conversation with people I usually wouldn't or with people where I know there is some sort of tension between us, when I can't be bothered to do anything.
And I'm in confusion over what to do this weekend :O
Do I get friday off work and go to this party Sam's asked me to go to with, with 200+ people, none of whom I have ever met before?
Or do I get Saturday off and go to a gig with my best friends and other people I enjoy the company of?
Or is my boss going to say I need to work both days and I die?
Hmm :\
Skins starts in a week :D I'm proper excited; I love skins ttm.
If I wanted I could watch teh premier of the first episode on myspace or something, but I chose not to because I'd rather be all excited for a week, and then when it comes to the 22nd; 10pm, sitting down infront of the TV with a hot chocolate or other beverage and enjoy lovlaayyy skins which I have missed alot.
I miss Chris :(
I hope the cast is as good as tha last one (yn)
Anyway, I'm sure nobody has read this or found this in any way interesting but I thought I'd write everything down. :)

Tuesday 13 January 2009

Right then.

My new years resoloution was to loose weight, and this year I'm going to take it seriously.
  • I'm going running with my Mum whenever we can.
  • Me and Meg are going to start going swimming or to the gym once a week.
  • I've started making sure I eat five fruits and vegetables a day.
  • That means replacing junk food like crisps and chocolate for fruit.
  • Eat less subwaysssssssss! :L

Mmkay. ♥

Saturday 10 January 2009

'Where are we in time?' he said.

'You know... where do we exist? When do we exist? In the past, the present, the future? I mean, we don't live in the past do we? And we don't live in the future. So that only leaves the present.' He was grinning a bit too madly for my liking now. 'But when's the present?' he said. 'When is now? How long does it last? A second, half a second... a millionth of a second? You can't just be alive in a millionth of a second, can you? It doesn't make sense.'
Extract from 'Black Rabbit Summer' by Kevin Brooks. Pg 101
I went to a gig on Friday night. If you've read my blog, in particular the post about the 'Winter Festival' thing with The Saturdays, then you'll probably remember a girl I talked about who stood next to me and 'danced' in her high heels and kept standing on my feet. Anyways, this gig, it was inside this time. In a pub. The bands started and we made our ways to the front, by the stage. The music was good, we were all having the time of our lives, when look who pushes through the crowd to stand at the front next to me. High heel girl. And have a guess at what she's wearing on her feet? Yup, high heels. And what do you reckon she was doing? Yeah, her little 'dance' that involved grinding her arse into the people all around her, waving her arms in peoples faces and shaking her head, there were extensions all over the shop. Blah blah blah, moan, whinge. She annoyed me helluva lot. I think my feet have died form the amount of stabbings it received from old pointy heels. But anyway, she pissed off after a while and we carried on as before.
As I said, the music was proper good, and we saw some old friends there who we haven't seen in quite a while (Granted, they were all off their faces but it was lovely none the less.)
Anyway. The bit at the top is from a book I read a few weeks ago called 'Black Rabbit Summer'. It is honesty so good, I couldn't put it down. It must be one of the best books I've read since The Twilight Sega. But at the moment, I'm reading a book called 'The Wasp Factory' which is also pretty good, although pretty macabre. My Mum suggested I read it the day before yesterday and now I'm hooked :)
Tomorrow will be a day of revision, coursework and speech writing for English Lit.
Wooo Hoooooooooo.

Wednesday 7 January 2009


So, this was supposed to be a Skype thing but as I don't have it I'll do it on msn.
I'm guessing the rules, as where I got it from didn't actually say what was meant to happen;
but I'm gonna say that basically, you write something to or about everyone who is online on msn, skype, aim or whatever.
Yeah, here's mine.
-We should talk more; you seem nice.
-I think you're nice and proper funny :)
-What we had was good. I don't miss you.
-Your lovely.
-Your such a good friend. You make me laugh times a billion but you get slightly irritating after a while.
-Your nice when you're on your own, otherwise you just blank us?
-Meeeee :)
-We don't really talk. I don't get why people add people and then don't talk? you're one of them.
-I think you added me from a group conversation, you seem kind of odd :)
-Another of those people who add and don't talk. Make an effort :)
-I find you irritating. You're a sleaze and I wish you'd leave me alone.
-You're a funny lad.
-We have some good conversations every now and again, you seem nice.
-Once we were best friends, but then you started to annoy me with everything you did. I think we're better off as just aquaintances.
-Don't really like you. You don't like me either.
-You're fucking annoying. Just because you're friends with my little brother doesn't mean you can harass me every five seconds.
-You're so strange, I'm sorry.
-We used to talk, now we don't. I've met you a few times, you seem alright.
-Ahhh, I love you :) You're so funny and fully one of my bestest mates.
-Talk to me again, you're well alright ;D
-No idea who you are.
-You're arrogant. And you're shallow.
-I think we could have been good friends :)
-You're such a lovely lass, you're a good listener too.
-Who are you?
-Add but no talk.
-You seem depressed alot. I'll cheer you up!
-Used to be such good friends, now I find you annoying.
-Ahhhhhh, Austria with you was so good. You're a good friend and you're nice and you're funny. ILY
-I wish you'd realise you need to marry me ;)
-You don't like me, do you?
-I love your accent :) It was nice to meet you.
-You're hilarious, good times when we're with you.
-We used to be like thiss (yn) you're such a good lad.
-You're funny, I used to think you were alright but now I think you're slightly stuck up.
-Chin up, babes :)
-I don't know you.
-So lovely, a best friend for sure. I think you need to take people advice when it's given to you, however.
-Aquaintances? I don't know you all that well.
-We used to be best friends until you moved a million miles away five years ago. I still miss you!
-We used to be best friends, but then we grew apart. I still like you and I hope we get to know eachother again this year.
-Who are you?
-We had something once upon a time. It was nice.
-You look so much like someone I got with once.
-Bless you, you're fucking cute. You're lovely too. I wish we still talked. I love your name.
-Nice to meet you. Shame you blank us when you're with your girlfriend though.
-You're odd. I was chuffed to be your friend once, but now, not so much.
-You used to like me apparently then you went to college. You're alright.
-You're fun.
-It's hard to work you out. You're nice though.
-Haven't spoken in years!
-I think you're a lovely lad, but sometimes you're slightly bigheaded and act like a nob to show off.
-Thank you so much :)
-Oooft ;) Wish I was a few years older.
-You're lovely lovely, especially when you're in a good mood. You make me laugh 'til my tummy kinda hurts.
-Don't know who you are.
-You're alright, but you come on abit strong, calm thou passions.
-You're so so nice.
-Hahahaha, you make me laugh.
-Bit of a twat nowadays.
-I forget who you are.

Tuesday 6 January 2009


I fucking love you.
But I have no idea why?
You would have thought that I would have gotten over it, wouldn't you? I want to get over it, I want to forget all about it and you and everything that was said; everything that happened. I can't though and I don't know why. You're probably always going to be special to me. It's possible that I'll never forget you, not for a long while at least. You still give me butterflies and make me smile like I've just won the lottery, even now. Even when you're being a twat you still make me happy. You still make me laugh at the stupid things you do, however hard I try not to. I think you're lovely. Your smile is lovely, your eyes are lovely too.
It's just not going to happen. I should have given up months ago, but it's hard. I'm such a silly girl.
Anyway. It's far too cold. I don't like it.
I want summer. I want the beach and I want holidays.
I want no school again (Only had one day back and I'm already sick of it).
I want late night, early mornings. I want days being lazy with everyone.
I want parties and barbeques and my birthday and sun.
Only six months to go now.
Hope this one is a scorcher! :)

Saturday 3 January 2009

album game

(Drinking Raindrops)

Laleh Seddigh, is the name of this new band I'm in. We're releasing our first album soon. It's called 'Ever apologize for anything' and this is what we're thinking of using as our album cover, what d'you think? :)

Play the game:
1. The first article title on the page is the name of your band.
2. The last four words of the very last quote is the title of your album.
3. The third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Friday 2 January 2009

good afternoon

I'm just getting ready to go to town, but Meg just rang and said we would have to catch the 1:45 bus as she thinks she's not going to be ready in time. So, as my brother has gone to Mount Hawk for the day, I'm in his laptop because I like using it proper loads :D Good grammar, Vit -_-
I'm sat on my bed when I would usually be sat in the coldest corner of the lounge on the computer, I've got lovely natural light coming in so I don't have to use a desk lamp when I want to go on cam and I can get ready for town whilst having a little browse of tinternet :D
I'm going ot have to buy myself a laptop. Just as soon as I ask my boss for a pay-rise, which, fingers crossed, I will get because, let's be honest, I'm amazing at life. Ish.

Do you know what I'm properly in love with right this minute? Kanye West's new album, which I got for Christmas, 808's and Heartbreaks. It's so good, I think :D Other people say they don't particularly like it because it's too mellow, but I do , I do, I doooo. Paranoid and RoboCop have to be my favourites though :)

I'm off to hairspray my hair up a bit more. [L]

Baby, don't worry 'bout it, Baby, don't even think about it. You're worried 'bout the wrong things, wrong things.

Thursday 1 January 2009

hello 2009

I had a pretty nice day :) I woke up late though, so had to catch the later bus into town.
Got into town and Payne picked us up and drove us to his where we sat around drinking Corona while playing xbox and watching several movies, ooh.
Then loadds of people turned up who I didn't know.
We were going to go out with them afterwards to the Square but my mum was like, 'Noooooooooooooooo, too much drinking and drunks.'
So yeah, just came home instead (y)
But, it was enjoyablee, aye :]
& now it's 2009, I hope it's going to be a better year that 2008.
  • Loose weight.
  • Become alot more confident with the way I look.
  • Become less shy when talking to new people.
  • Meet new people.
  • Meet a nice boy.
  • Be more outgoing.
  • Do more and try more.
  • Do well at school; concentrate more, talk less, generally try and higher my grades.
  • Be nicer to my family.
  • Get a hobby ;]

2008's was a big one for me, in the way that I changed so much throughout the year. Not just looks either, although at the beginning of the year I was just coming out of my 'emo stage' ahaha, oh dear :) I've changed as a person too. I do try to bitch and gossip less, I'm nicer now to people, I give people more of a chance. I've lost some amazing friends this year but gained even better ones. I've made so many mistakes but learned from every single one. I've had amazing experiences, tried new things and changed my opinions on some things. I've done thing I am so proud of myself for doing, but on the other hand, I've done things I regret alot. Even considering all of this, I wouldn't go back and change one thing because, yeah actually, it has been a good year, and yeah I have enjoyed myself a whole lot, I just want this one to be 1508509485 times better :)

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day. ~Edith Lovejoy Pierce