Sunday 25 January 2009

i like urbandictionary better than i like you

Go to and type in your answer to each question in the search box, then write the FIRST definition it gives you.

1) Your name? - Vitanee
vitanee is: 
1: when your trying to express the fact that you are super horny. 
2: when asking for a bus ticket. 
3: a word to replace every other word.
1:guy 1: oh jeez man look at that pic! 
guy/gal 2: yeah its soo good! just makes me so vitanee. 
2:hey mate can i have a return vitanee? 
3: vitanee vitanee vitanee vitanee, vitanee! hahaha vitanee? vitanee!
2) Your age? - 14
The age of sexual consent in CANADA. When you turn 14 you can be fucked.
ME: Now that you're 14 we can FUCK! 
3) One of your friends? - Meg
short and sweet just like her name..a hot girl with a lot of potential for lovin. shes always got some man chasing after her and she has really cool friends (but nobody likes them).
Guy 1: have you seen meg lately? shes looking pretty fine 
Guy 2: yea i really wanted to ask her out but shes already got 3 boyfriends 
Guy: my life is over without meg
4) What should you be doing? – Homework
homework: (Noun) a punishment given to students by evil teachers after the students have already put in 7 hours of hard labor. (See evil,torturewrongcruelunjustsatancrap)
my satan teacher gave me crap
5) Favorite color? - Purple
Extremely potent marijuana, specifically marijuana buds that have a purple hue to them. Also accompanied by a fragant, usually fruity smell and mad perma-grin.
Yo, you gotta come over and smoke, boy! I got the purple!
6) Birthplace? - Thailand
A country where u go for delicious food.
yam-wun-sen, pad thai, larb, rowm-mit, tom-yam-kung and so on.. 
a-roy mak mak ka~*^^*(it's soooo delicious~)
7) Month of your birthday? – July
A month when mostly the hottest girls are born
That girls so hot she must be born in July
8) Last person you talked to? -  Mum
A word americans don't know how to spell 
townies use the phrase 'your mum' as an insult
me: fuck off 
Townie: your mum
9) One of your nicknames? - Vit
Came from the word cup-of-it
Bob it's been a long day...grab me a cup of vit.
10) Last ex? - A Prick :)
1. a penis 
2. derogatory term used to sum up the existance of a worthless asshole
That prick stole my girlfriend.


Justthat. said...

ee made me giggle..I want to do one =]

Anonymous said...

hali means original and beautiful.
clipped from Google - 2/2009

Lovessss <3

Anonymous said...

hali means original and beautiful.
clipped from Google - 2/2009

Lovessss <3