Tuesday 30 December 2008

i do apologise

for not posting for about eleventy billion days :)
It's just I have been busy, sleeping and what not.

My mum says I'm becoming nocturnal. Twice these holidays I have woken up at 3/4 in the afternoon after staying up until some ridiculous time in the morning. That cannot be healthy.
Vit on xmas morn :)

Haven't really done alot since my last post except eat alot. I went to a gig at the pub on Saturday night, which was pretty fun. Although Meg and I were just stood around awardly at first because we didn't know anyone :)

Other than that it's really just the usual; town and what not :) But today I went to Exeter with Meg and Jamie and saw some people in there, which was nicee :) It was absoloutley heaaaaaaaaving though, silly sales attract millionz of people. Got a skirt from H&M, a necklace from New Look, some stuff from The Body Shop (we had to get Perry to show us where it was, and then he took the piss cos I payed £6 for two lip balms.) and a sausage roll from Warrens ;)

Then we just sat at Green and people watched :)

New Years Eve tomorrow, we're going to Payne's in the day to,
play on the wii and watch DVD's. :)

Don't really know what I'm doing in the evening, ahha ;] Maybe just out in town or at the square.

I actually feel like shit today :(
hope you all have a lovely new years :)

Thursday 25 December 2008

xmas morn.

Merry Christmas :] I'm just about go and have a shower before I go to my Auntie's house and then to Jandy's :)

I opened the presents from Santa and my Mum already;
  • 3 little bottles of perfume
  • Socks, knickers, tights, etc.
  • Makeup
  • A Satsuma ;)
  • Pyjama's
  • A book called 'Black Rabbit Summer'
  • A DVD
  • She had bought me lots of clothes earlier which count as presents :)
  • And some otherr things.

What did everyone getttttttttttt?

+ 1 Merry Christmas

Or, Happy Holidays, if you like.
Thought I'd just add to the other posts on this subject :)
It's been an alright night, actually. I had to work but it was really quiet and I was texting Jamie, who was drunk and declaring his love, all night. Then came home, watched Gavin & Stacy and Russel Brand's Ponderland and laughed like a gimp and now I'm gonna go to bed, I think, and wait for Fatty with the beard ;D
Hope all of you have a really lovely day.

Tuesday 23 December 2008

safe to say

5 hours of sleep is not enough to keep Vit functioning properly.
Seriously, add that to the amount of sleeping I did not achieve while at Butlins, I'm basically dead.
I was on the computer 'til pretty late last night anyway, then when I went to bed I was on the phone to Jamie for another two and a half hours.
J: I have four fish.
V: Really.
J: Yeah; Moby, Shit, Dickhead and (I can't remember the other name)
V: Nice
J: I'll talk you through the names, right, Moby because he's the biggest and ... (etc etc)
Basically, just talking about fuck all until half past six in the morning, ahha.
I went to see Twilight with Arlene today. It was alright, better than I expected but not as good as the books, obviously.
I think my favourite character was Charlie, to be honest. When Bella was saying all that stuff to him when she was leaving I felt well sorry for him :L
'It's okay Charlie! I'll love you and your moustache!'
& Jasper is so cute. Bless him ^-^
I always eat all my popcorn in the adverts before the film starts, fail.
Then we just went into Town for a look around. Woolworths' sale is happy days. I got a new pair of curling tongs for £1.50!
Bargain? AYE.
I also got a hat from Topman and a bottle of diet coke from WHSmith ;)
Then Jord gave us a lift home & now my mum is getting pissed off at all the little carol singers.
Scrooge, bahh humbug :)
only 2 sleepiez to go :)

Monday 22 December 2008

'the time has come' the walrus said, 'to speak of many things'

Such as my weekend :)

Ohhh, Butlins was proper good :D We had two apartments between the nine of us (The outside of the apartments were white with massive bright pink circles on them, wahayy!) and me and Meg shared a room.

There was The Skyline Pavillion where we spent our evening and The Pool where we spent most of our days, (Massivley fun and it had loads of flumes and things :D). There were two guys that Meg met when she came last year and they were there again this year, so we met up with them which was pretty fun. There was this pair of brothers who were pretty damn lush aswell, we didn't actually talk to them as such, but there was smiling and eye contact going on. Meg's family just took the piss out of us because of it.

Oh & the fair was on in the daytime so we went there alot. One of the attendants there was a fat, welsh guy called Russel, and on the first day he was on one of the little kid's rides called 'Rockin' Tug' and we were just going on for the lols, but he locked us when he let everyone else out so we were sat in this slow, children's fair ride for about three goes. Next day he was on another ride we wanted to go on. It was a big viking long boat and it swang up and down, we went on it, felt sick and wanted to get off, but, once again he locked us in for another ride. And then today before we went home he was operating the dodgems and he told the other attendants to watch out for us and they were all taking the piss because we both fail at driving. Oh and there was a guy who was doing the Walterz who winked at us, stroked our heads (???) and put The Backstreet Boys on just for us. So yeah, the Butlins workers properly took a shine to us ;)

At the pool and in the Arcade we were just being followed by a gang of chavs which wasn't fantastic. Then one of them came up to us as we were sat talking and it went like this:

Boy: Excuse me, my ginger friend thinks your hot, can he have your number?
Me: Umm, naw I don't think so :)
Boy: It's not all about looks!
Meg: Whatt? That's a bit hypocritical!
Me: Yeah, you hardly came up to us and said 'My ginger friend thinks you have a lovely personality, can he have your number?'
Boy: Whatever, bye.

Then Meg went for a little wander to see who this friend was, and it turned out that the boy was just stood there on his own, ahha. It was a bit odd how he goes 'My ginger friend', we thought.

The road home was so windy though, I didn't like it. Meg was nearly sick and I did not need that. I hate people throwing up, makes me want to die.

But yeah, I'm home now :D
So tired, but I'm glad I have my internet back, ahha
(Yes, Vit's sad, I know)

Going to see Twilight tomorrow, Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!



I'm home :)

1. I like your glasses in your picture ;]
2. Stephanie Says by Velvet Underground :]
3. cake, because it tastes nice?
4. well, I don't have anything that'll only make sense to the two of us, so this is something that'll just make sense to me.. MEWYUNZ, ahaha. I'm so not cool.
5. Umm, wooooooo lovely new follower :D
6. umm, cat?
7. how did you make your blog look so preetttyy?
8. you're sweet :)

1. How nice :)
2. Jenny was a friend of mine by The Killers
3. Lucky Charms? :D
4. Ummm, No clue.. merrychristmasjennnnnnnnnnnnnnny
5. I think it was i watched a video of nerimon's and there was a video response from you about university applications and i thought it was funny and i subscribed :)
6. no, no, YOU remind me of a cat. :L
7. umm, favourite band? aha
8. funny, you are :)

Friday 19 December 2008

just, yes

1. I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you which song or movie you remind me of.
3. I'll pick a food substance to throw at you in the school cafeteria.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me (if possible, if not, I'll say something that only makes sense to me).
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something I've always wondered about you.
8. I'll tell you my favorite thing about you.
9. If you play, you MUST post this on yours.

I'll respond when I get back, so leave me lots of your names :)


I started writing this with absoloultey no inspiration or idea of what I'm going to say, so bare with me if I start to ramble.

It's half past ten on a Friday morning, and I'd usually be in biology. Obviously I'm not, and that's because in about two hours Meg's family is coming to pick me up and we're off for a few days.
It's only Butlins, nothing too extreme or too far away, but it's going to be so much fun, I can tell :)
I haven't even started packing yet, all my clothes are just piled up on the sofa in my room ready to be put into a bag. My mum said she thought I'd over packed a bit seeing as we're only going for four days. I just couldn't choose what to take, so I just brought it all.

On Wednesday night I went to a leaving party. It was for Laura who's an echange student from Australia who came for a year and now she's going home. We all hid on the stage with the room in complete darkness and when she walked in the curtains opened and the lights all came on, it was lovely :) The theme was princes and princess' so everyone was dressed up and it was generally a good night.

Last night eleven of us went out for dinner at a Chinese/Thai restaurant. When we were there we gave eachother our Secret Santa presents, (I got a touch of pink bath set from Leah, and I gave Lauren a cactus, she asked for one, don't worry) and ate a huge meal. There was egg fried rice, chicken chow mein, sweet and sour chicken, thai style beef with coriander and chili, hot and spicy pork, spring rolls and prawn crackers. Then afterwards I wasn't going to order desert but then I saw they had lychees on the menu, and they're almost my favourite fruit ever in the world, so I had some of them and a spoonful or two of Lauren's cocoanut icecream. Nom Nom Nom.
After that, Meg and I had to leave to catch our bus and we realised that this would be the last time we were going to see Laura in a long time (She says she'll come and visit after she finishes year 12) so we said our veerryy long goodbyes, Meg cried and I did nearly. It was really sad; she's going to be missed so much.

When we get back from Butlins, a group of us are going to go and see Twilight, because it's out today. I'm actually so excited, I hope it'll live up to the books.

EEEE, I have nine followers now :D haha, I didn't even expect to get one when I started this blog, but yeah :) Thanks, you lot and I hope you have a really nice Christmas!


Sunday 14 December 2008


Somehow I ended up making this fansign for my friend, Jamie, today. He'd asked me to, and then when I showed him he thought that it was really sweet.

Anywhoo, in the end he ended up printing out four copies of it and laminating two of them :) (I know that sounds kind of stalker-ish, but we're like this *crosses fingers*, promise.)

One for me, two for him and one for his mum (who tells him 'You can bring her home').

So, yeah; that's my story of the day :D [L]

yes please.

Dear Santa,
This is what I would like for christmas please;
  • Kanye West's new album
  • Tickets to go see You Me At Six
  • Tickets to go see Boys Like Girls
  • Gabe to get better so FTSK can do their UK tour
  • That necklace from Topshop with the little clock on
  • Tickets to the babycakes party
  • I HEART BC t-shirt in white
  • Livid Thorn Desire & Defeat Top
  • Some brightly coloured tights
  • Snow
  • A I Heart NY Shirt
  • A New coat
  • Some warm pyjamas
  • Mighty Boosh series 2+3 on DVD
  • A Holiday
  • Some nice people :)

Lots of love, Vitanee xxx

Saturday 13 December 2008

i was tagged

I was :) I was tagged by hfm
RULES; Answer all of the questions with a word that begins with the same letter that either you name, blogger id, or blog's name begins with.
1. What is your name: vitanee
2. A 4 Letter word: vole
3. A Boys Name: vince (as in noir ;D )
4. A Girls Name: victoria
5. An Occupation: vet
6. A Color: violet
7. Something you wear: veil
8. A Beverage: vodka
9. A Food: veal? bleugh.
10. Something found in the bathroom: volumiser spray (as is hair, ahha)
11. A place: Vienna
12. A Reason for being late: viscouly attacked by hedgehogs.
13. Something you shout: VICTORY! :]
mmkay :)

Friday 12 December 2008


I got my grades for this term today.

Classwork: A
Homework: A
Attainment: A
Target: A

Classwork: A
Homework: A
Attainment: A
Target: A

MFL (French)
Classwork: B
Homework: B
Attainment: B
Target: A

Classwork: A
Homework: B
Attainment: B
Target: A

Classwork: A
Homework: A
Attainment: A
Target: A*

Classwork: B
Homework: -
Attainment: D
Target: C

Classwork: C
Homework: A
Attainment: B
Target: A*

Classwork: A
Homework: B
Attainment: B
Target: A*

Classwork: B
Homework: B
Attainment: A
Target: A*

There, I'm sure that was very interesting for you all. :)

Monday 8 December 2008

oh, lately it's so quiet

My internet keeps crashing and it's pissing me off. I hate this weather too, I want it to hurry up and be Christmas already so we can have all this rain and cold over and done with and it can be summer again.

This is a panorama of my room from the warmth and comfort of my bed.

It's weird, I've gone from posting nearly everyday all the way through November and now it's December I've hardly done anything.

I haven't really felt like writing, really. I've felt like hibernating.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

quiz :]

1. What’s your name?vitanee
2. What is your favorite thing to wear?skinies, nikes, a shirt and a cardigan.
3. Last thing you ate?japanese rice crackers
4. One place you will NEVER eat at?i don't know
5. I say Shotgun, you say:wedding ;]
6. Last person you hugged?harry probably.
7. Does anyone you know wanna date you?haha idk.
8. Would you date anyone you met online?if i met them online and i saw and i knew them irl afterwards then yeah, but if i never met them then no.
9. Name something you like physically about yourself: i like the colour of my hair.
10. The last place you went out to dinner to?the honeymoon for hannah's birthday.
11. Who is your best friend?meg
12. What time of the day is it?18:30
13. Who/What made you angry today?alot of things, the weather.
.14. Baseball or Football?no ta.
15. Ever gone skinny dipping?in my bath?
16. Favorite type of Food?subway :D or curry.
17. Favorite holiday: christmas.
18. Do you download music:yeps
19. Do you care if your socks are dirty?yes, i dont like dirty socks.
20. Opinion of Chinese symbol tattoos?meh. not really my taste.
21. Would you date the person that posted this?charlieskies? haha, i don't know him :]
22. Has anyone ever sang or played for you personally? nope
23. Do you love anyone?a few people, yeah
24. Are colored contact lenses sexy?i like them.
25. Have you ever bungee jumped? no.i hate heights.
26. Have you ever gone white-water rafting?umm yes.
27. Has anyone ten years older than you ever hit on you?ew, yes.
28. How many pets do you have?like, four? they're all fish.
29. Have you met a real redneck? ..no
30. How is the weather right now?freezing.
31. What are you listening to right now? orange county on the tv.
32. What is your current favorite song? i'm ready by jack's mannequin
33. What was the last movie you watched?orange county
34. Do you wear contacts?nope
35. Where was the last place you went besides your house?school
36. What are you afraid of?being alone. :/
37. How many piercings have you had? none actually but i would like some :]
38. What piercings do you want?lip maybe? people are saying septum would suit me too.
39. What’s one thing you’ve learned this year? i love my friends. i'm a silly.
40. What do you usually order from Starbucks? chocolate cream frapuccino or a hot chocolate if its cold.
41. What Magazines are you reading? i don't
42. Have you ever fired a gun:yeah
43. Are you missing someone?yeah i think.
44. Favourite TV show? friends.
45. Do you have an obession with WoW?with what?
46. Has anyone said you look like a celebrity?noper
47. What celeb do you look like?i don't
48. Who would you like to see right now? people
49. Favorite movie of all time?school of rock
50. Do you find yourself loved?by a few.
51. Have you ever been caught doing something you weren’t suppose to?almost
52. Favorite smell?umm, i'm not sure.
53. Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?butter please
54. What’s something that really bugs you?people
55. Do you like Michael Jackson?some of his music's alright.
56. Taco Bell or Burger King?no.
57. What’s your favorite perfume?alien by thierry muglier
58. Favorite baseball team?nah
59. Ever call a 1-900 phone number?no
60. What’s the longest time you’ve gone without sleep?a day or so
61. Last time you went bowling?in austria
62. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?a car. (while it was parked)
63. Who was your last phone call?i dunnor
64. Last time you were at work?last night
64. What is the closest orange object near you? the chair i'm sat on.

nando's crisps

They're really nice. Me and my mum shared a bag of Hot Peri-Peri today & they're lush.
& Really hot for crisps!

I've been watching The Mighty Boosh series 3 over and over for days, it's one of those things you can watch over and over and never get bored of :]

Monday 1 December 2008


be sweet; give me butterflies at everything you say. make me smile 'til my cheeks hurt and laugh 'til my tummy does.
put up with me when i'm being a twat. don't get offended by my stupid mood swings, and cheer me up when i'm not happy.
be funny. i don't like boring people, make me laugh and don't be overly serious all of the time.
don't show off, thanks. and don't act differently according to who we're with.
be silly with me :] when i'm in a weird mood, act like a twat with me in public.
tell me i'm yours.
i want all of this, please; but i don't think i'll be finding it any time soon.

I'm not liking this cold weather much. :

Sunday 30 November 2008

i'm ready to fall.

I come undone, oh yes, I do
Just think of all the thoughts wasted on you
And every word you say, says something sweet
Cause all I taste is blood between my teeth
As I'm finding the words... you're getting away
I'm ready by Jack's Mannequin
I miss the way you used to make me smile at everything you said.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

dream homes

I was tagged by hfm to find eight dream homes in the country where I live.

RULES:The McCains own 13 cars, eight homes and have access to a corporate jet. If you were as insanely rich as them, where would your eight homes be and why?The only rule is: The homes must be within the borders of the country you live in, so as to utterly emulate the McCains.
Buckingham Palace

I'd do a home swap with the Queen :] Just think, it's huge! I could have a party in every other room, if I wanted to :] I'd invite everyone to come live with me and, of course, I'd have butlers and maids to do all the clearing up afterwards. x]

A cottage in the country

Because it's stunning. Look how pretty it is. It'd be ideal when I wanted to just get away from it all and spend a nice weekend in the peace and quiet. :]

A house in Balamory

Because I am really just a little kid at heart.

A posh appartment or flat in London

Because I live in the country, but it bores me. I wish I could go live somewhere busy with lots of people. Never do the same thing two days in a row. I'd have a flat or appartment on the top floor, (just as long as there's a private lift) and I'd have all my friends stay with me.

A dolls house

Because I wish I was that small.

A Modern House

Because look how cool it is! It'd be amazing to live in a place like that! Although I'd probably keep forgetting to draw the blinds which could lead to something quite embaressing happening. x]

A Lighthouse
Because I loved that M&S advert in the summer!
I wanna marry a lighthouse keeper
and keep him company.
I'm gonna marry a lighthouse keeper
and live by the side of the sea.

& my last dream home would be the house that I live in now. Because I live here with my family who I love. I'm close to all of the people who are important to me and there have been so many great memories in the time that I have lived here & I never want to forget them.
That was fun :]
I tag maryliu + cecilia
Good luck :)

Keep this goinggg ;D

Baii :]

Monday 24 November 2008

we will soar

I went to the 'Winter Festival' thing in town yesterday. I missed most of the bands but I saw a band called The Gentlemen from Sheffield and they were really good. We managed to make our way right to the front, through something ridiculous like 10000 people crammed into our little town centre. There was some silly girl next to me in the crowd who was wearing heels and kept standing on my toes, though : I don't think a freezing, windy november afternoon outside in a crowd is really the place to be wearing high heels, a mini skirt and fishnet tights, to be fair. Then in the gaps between songs and between other bands while the presenter people were talking to the crowd, these girls behind us would just be there shouting, 'YOU'RE SHIT! FUCK OFF!' I was like, why would you come and stand here if you didn't enjoy the music? Everyone else was enjoying themselves and they were just pissing me off, to be honest. But yeah, then The Saturdays came and turned the Christmas lights on and there were a few mum's with their little girls telling us to 'Shove your fucking arse out of the way or I'll shove it out the way for you!' so their children could see the band. That's a good example you're setting to your seven year old child isn't it? ;) But generally a good Sunday, really :]

I just got a call from my Step-Nan, I don't know what you'd call her but she's my Granddad's wife and they live in Spain, which was nice, and she asked if the adress she had for us was right. I'm thinking, Christmas presents? (yn)

I'm really getting into the mood for Christmas now :D You know it's Christmas when all the family films are being shown on the tv. Yesterday I wacthed Mathilda, which is actually such a good film :] Christmas will definatley be here when the Coke advert starts showingg :D

I have to work tonight, and I'm really tired :/

Baii :]

Sunday 23 November 2008

this is bollocks.

I had that Maths test, did I mention? Before it started, I smiled at Harry who was sitting oppostie me and he (Maths teacher) goes,
'If ANYONE makes contact with anyone else WHATSOEVER you'll be going straight to time-out.' The whole time looking directly into my eyes. & then he was stood behind me through the whole test which kind of put me off.

Anyway. I think I accidentally said I'd work on monday which I am not looking forwards to.

& Tomorrow we're going to town to see the Christmas lights being switched on by The Saturdays. Not all that much into their music but it should be lulz anyway.

Ummmmmmmmmmmm, had a nice little catch up with a few people I haven't spoken to in time today :]
And that's always nice.
And then now 'You looked fiiine today, Vit. & This is an opinion discussed by many.'
LULZ. Oh dear.

Coh, I am tired :

Friday 21 November 2008


Out of all my teachers this year there's only one that I don't get on well with. It's a shame because he's my math teacher and math is one of my best subjects and it's really affecting my grade because now I just don't have any interest in the lesson because he annoys me so much. Yesterday I pointed out a mistake he had made, I was right, he was wrong, and he shouted at me, saying 'Vitanee! Stop jumping down my throat all the time. You're trying to make me look stupid in front of the class!' I was like, woah, excuse me. I was just letting you know. : Then later on that lesson he was going over the list of things we needed to revise for the end of module exam we're doing and I asked him to go over something because I didn't understand it and he just ignored me and every other person who asked for something to be explained. After a while I just got so pissed off and said something about him not explaining anything to us. And he shouted at me again saying that I was always trying to point out his mistakes and get him down, then he said for some reason, 'And I'm not even homosexual!' Whattt? 'I didn't even ask if you were gay, sir.' I found this rather amusing and started to laugh. 'Vitanee, stop showing off, you're trying to be funny. You're an immature and stupid little girl and you laugh at everything I say.' That just made me so angry. He was the one making a big deal over one little thing I'd commented on, and now he was calling me immature and stupid? I'm immature? I'm not the one being 'put down' by a 'little girl' who is about a third of his age anyway. He has just started teaching at my school this year and the way he teaches and generally talks to us annoys me. He's so patronising. He's always going on about 'I'm not going to go over this again, I think it's beneath you, you're top set GCSE students, blah blah.' and then he goes on to make us go over our nine times tables. Excuse me, beneath us? I did this in year four, for God's sake! He's so patronising and it angers me so much. Anyway, after that lesson he kept me back, 'to have a private word.' he was talking away about a load of shit. 'You're nasty, Vitanee, and you're viscous and immature. You pick on me, you do. You're a tricky one. You're always making fun of me. And look! You're even laughing in my face now!' which I wasn't, I was smiling at my friend who was waiting outside the door for me. When I left the room, my friend and I were walking down the stairs laughing about something entirely not related and he came to the top of the stairs and shouted down at us, 'STOP LAUGHING AT ME, YOU'RE LAUGHING AT ME! STOP IT!' To put it bluntly, he is a cunt and I dislike him very much.

Thursday 20 November 2008

this city's just cemetaries and forgotten men

eyes lit;
i pawn short breaths.
a fawn's dark eye lids,
dada dada die,
but life's breast;
like a sun against my head.

It is incredibly hard to type properly when three of your fingers are taped together. Bloody volleyball. & I told Megan not to set it to me. Bent my little finger back :

It was a fun lesson though, actually. I'm honestly so terrible at ball games. I'll watch the ball come straight for me and instead of catching it or something I'll just step out the way and watch it go past, then afterwards think, 'Shiittt, my ball'.
It was funny, we had some professional volleyball players to come in, they must have thought we were retarded or something. It was lols, except for the finger dying situation.

I love my Meg :] She's my bestest friend in the world and enjoys taking pictures of me when I'm doing a silly face wearing my new shirt ;]
Even though I don't actually look like this irl.
Crimewave - Crystal Castles
Go, go, go :]

Wednesday 19 November 2008


It came! It came! It cameeeeee!
I screamed a bit when I saw it ;D
eeeeee :]

Tuesday 18 November 2008

but then of course

But then of course everything always happens for a reason.
I guess it was never meant to be,
but it's something we have no control over and that's what destiny is.
Well, no more worries, rest your head and go to sleep.
Maybe one day we'll wake up and this'll all just be a dream.


Because I can & I'm bored.

Do you hide when Jehovah witnesses knock on your door?
Haha, I've only answered the door to one, and I didn't even know what one was and I was stood there for about half an hour in my pyjamas :

Tell me about your dancing style?
I don't really dance :]

Do you have any family traditions?
Roast on Sundays? Aunty Jo and Jandy's on Christmas?

Honestly, do you laugh when people trip for no reason?

What is your most used cuss word?
Shit. Fuck. Cunt. Twat.

Do you think it looks silly when people wear socks with sandals?
Yeah :L I point at them and I laugh.

How many speeding tickets have you talked your way out of?
I don't drive, so none :]

If you wake up late, is the rest of your day ruined?
No, I hate mornings. If anything it's improved, unless I have to be somewhere important.

Which side of the bed do you sleep on?
The middle, facing the wall.

Name the seven dwarf's
Sleepy, Angry, Silly, Gayface, Dosy, I don't know.

When you bend over, can you touch your toes?
Yeahh :] & I can hold it for like a minute :D

What kind of drunk are you?
The one that falls over chairs and says and does things she probably shouldn't.

What is the most difficult thing you've ever had to overcome?
Umm, I don't know.

How do you feel about rainy days?
They're annoying. They make your hair look silly and your feet all wet.

Do you think that people mistake your kindness for a weakness?
No, haha.

Can you cook?
Some things. Other times I just fail at everything and burn it.

What is your best dish?
Ummmm, Thai curry? Or chocolate muffins ;]

Have you ever eaten anything disgusting for money?

Has anyone of the same sex ever hit on you?
No :L

Do you know anyone who is a pathilogical liar?
I don't actually knowo what pathilogical means :] But I know someone who's a compulsive liar, if that relates in any way.

What about bi-polar?

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get bitch slapped?
Very many.

Why do people drive slow in the fast lane?
Because they're twats? It's health and safety gone mad!

What is something interesting your best friend would tell us about you?
That I'm a twat :L

Is it ever ok for people to marry their second cousin?
Well it's legal isn't it? I dont know. I guess, if they're not related by blood. If they were that'd just be sick.

How many real sit-ups can you do in a minute?
Ummm, none?

Have you ever eaten a crayon?
No, haha.

What is the best pick up line you've ever heard?
'Suck me, beautiful.' Haha.

Have you ever found anything gross in your parents bedroom?
Not really. Condoms? Mehhh.

Besides a toilet, where was the last place you peed?
Erm, where else would I?

Would you rather be a porn star or a prostitute?
Porn Star :L

Would you rather have cookies and milk or crackers and juice?
Cookie and milk :]

If your body odor was a food scent, what would you want to smell like?
Strawberries :]

Have you ever missed someones hand in a high five?
Yeah >.<

Last brand of shoes you had on?
My slippers which are from Sainsbury's :L

Favorite candy bar?
Snickerrrz :]

Where was the last bruise you got on yourself?
Ummm, I have no idea :L

Something amazing's about to happen :]

Monday 17 November 2008

hold on, wait a minute. exohexoh.

My boss expects me to just work whever he tells me to, with about half an hours notice.
He just rang and said that the big booking tomorrow has been changed to today, so can I work tonight instead of tomorrow.

'No, sorry, I've got loads to do.' Lies, but I really cannot be fucked tonight. I feel like absoloute shit.

So, he told me I'm not working tomorrow. Which is more money I'm loosing out on.
More money which I need for christmas presents, contract, Butlins, etc.

Nehhh >:

If you were a shape,
What shape would you be?
Me & Sam in Paris. I look like a knob :]

Sunday 16 November 2008

my life has become a boring pop song and everyone's singing along.

I fell asleep at about 5 this morning, which isn't the best start/end to the day. I was really scared aswell because I swear I heard someone down in the kitchen when everyone else was in bed.

I kept waking up and I have a feeling i kept texting people whilst half asleep, which could be embaressing. Anyway, I got up at two :)
Lazy bum that I am.

I haven't done anything useful with myself yet either. I've got two pages of biology to do and three of chemistry. I was about to start and then I looked at the first three questions and decided I didn't know the answers and gave up. I should probably pay more attention to Braise.

Also, I've lost my head-band thing. I bet my brother's got it. I'm stuck with a plain black one atm, which isn't very contrasting with my hair and it just looks like I have a kink of hair going all around my head. Not the best look, really ;)



Go, go, go and entertain me :]


P.s. Listen to I'm Ready by Jack's Manequin.
It's a sad song but it's really pretty and makes me smile :]

Me and Chloe; About a year ago. Chloe thinks I should die for uploading it :L

So, this isn't what I planned on posting, but I completley forgot what it was, but I've just had a thought.

Imagine if every clock ever in the world stopped working and every method of making clocks wouldn't work. Basically no clocks. Ever. Nobody would have any way of telling the time. Time wouldn't even exist. We did this in RE once; time doesn't exist, it's just a concept to describe cycles of seconds, minutes, hours, etc. Without time how would everything work? Deadlines? Pshht, no such thing. Timetables? Nope. Even just arranging to meet someone somewhere would be tricky. At this very minute it's 2.44am, it wouldn't be if there was no time, I would just be able to wake up and go to sleep whenever I fancied it. There would be no such thing as early or late. Nothing would be on time either. There wouldn't be birthdays, Christmas, New Year or any other holidays because nobody would be able to tell when they fell. Weird thought.

I told Jamie about this thought and he just told me I'd been watching too much 'Bernards Watch'.
I used to love that programme :]




Sam - says:
Hows the kids?
marjeries just startedd kindergarten. she's loving it. little bethel went to market and this little piggy stayed home.
Sam - says:
WHat about little timmy? i love that kid i swear hes gunna play for the NBA one day hes a proper G
oh he's just had another growth spurt. 9'8". mummy's little angel.
Sam - says:
Aww, i got him a present i hope you dont mind
oh that's fine
just as long as it' not shoes. he hates them.
prefers to feel the fresh breeze between his toes you see.
Sam - says:
Na its a 20 pack of marlboro
goes though about fourty a day
Sam - says:
you see if he gets above 10 ft he cant play proffesinal basketball, so i thought id stop him growing
he's a good child
ahh thank you.
you're a good godfather.
Sam - says:
The bEST!!
Sam - says:
I just feel i gotta do something after i dropped fred out the window on the way back from the hospital
that was a great loss for us all.
Sam - says:
Mm i cant help but feel it was partly my fault
don't blame yourself.
it wasn't your fault the pigeon scared you
Sam - says:
it was big
Sam - says:
i swear it had a gun
it probably did. you know these areas. rough as
Sam - says:
yeah when it gets to the point where the pigeons are packing heat i think its time to move
but it's no better elsewhere.
i heard they had bears with machetes in some pats of town!
Sam - says:
thats what i said at the PTA meeting
Sam - says:
I gues when you move to Deathland you gotta expect a bit of violence
yeah :/
it explained it all in the brochure, i was just too busy to read it i guess
Sam - says:
I read the blurb
Sam - says:
of course i tend to just pick out words that interest me
Sam - says:
I remember teeth, gouged and hinduism
i remeber the picture on the front. a pleasant country view with a beautiful chocolate man and a samurai.
Sam - says:
Yeah i thought the burning buildings in the backround were just to sell the place

Saturday 15 November 2008

burberry blue eyes.

Photoscape [: My school uniform is beautiful, no?

Went to town today. So so. Had my weekly intake of Subway. Nom nom nom.

And then I had work and I almost nearly was very close to being fired. Just because my boss is a prick :/

I actually do have a good idea about what to post later. + I probably will post it, because I probably will get extremely bored.

Taraaaa :]

I was in a bad mood earlier.

Nothing cheers me up more than a hug and someone telling me they they love me, and really meaning it. I have the most amazing friends anyone could ask for. True, there are only a few I can properly trust, but they're the best few in forever and I love them to pieces. I don't know how they put up with me to be honest. I'm always complaining; moaning about one thing or another, and they forgive me for every stupid thing I do, which I am so grateful for. If it wasn't for my friends I wouldn't be the person I am today. They have made me so happy it's unbelievable and cheered me up when maybe I wasn't feeling the best ever. I don't know why I'm thinking about this now. Lack of sleep makes me think deep? I don't know, but all I can say is that I love you lot really really loads. Basically, thank you just for being there. I know I can rely on you. We've made so many amazing memories, let's hope there's a lot more to come.
Let's go chase the sunset. Bring me that horizon!

Friday 14 November 2008

too many reasons for trouble.

I wrote a bulletin on myspace, which I think I should post here. I usually hate it when people write this kind of thing in a bulletin, but it just felt apropriate? Ahha, idk.

i know you wont, but maybe if you did it'd help you grow up and realise that you're not perfect. you can't always get whatever you want at the click of a finger and maybe you'll have to work hard for something in your life. I honestly think you're a spoilt bitch and you deserve everything you get. stop trying to blame other people for your mistakes and get on with your life. you're blowing everything way out of proportion. nobody even cares, to be honest. if you'd just let it die then maybe everyone would have gotten over it, but no. you have to make it into a big fucking deal. stop pretending you don't want anyone to know. you blatantly want as many people as possible to know. you love the attention and i honestly have no idea why. it's not big, what you've done. it doesn't make you look cool in the slightest. if anything, you just look like a prick. i didn't want to start and argument with you because i honestly though you were my freind and you cared about me. which is obviously not true. you couldn't give a flying fuck about anyone else other than yourself. it's time to wake the fuck up, and realise that not everything is about you. people have problems far greater than yours and they don't start shit over petty little things like this. looking back, you've never been all that great a friend to me. you'll say things to people without thinking about the consequences. because, actuually, some of the things you've said to me over the years hurt. and did you see me making a big fuss over it? no. because i have better things to worry about than some stupid fucking secret of yours getting out. you obviously wanted it to. if you wanted nobody to know about it you would have told nobody. telling fifteen odd people isn't the best way to keep something on the 'down low'. you're a brat and everything we said to you today is true. you think everyone out there is scared of confrontation with you because you're so fucking perfect, but your not. and that is why i said what i said today, because honestly, everyone's thinking it. think about the fucking consequences before you go and act like like a stupid bitch next time. or at least be prepared for whats comibng to you. grow a fucking pair and get over yourself.

Yeahhh. : I was feeling a bit agressive at the time.
But a good argument puts me in a cheery mood everytime :)
It's just when it's about people I care about it gets me down.

I have an idea for a blog that I'll probably post later on tonight, but I have some things I should be getting on with right now.

Baiii :]

Me & Meg on Halloween. Love her :]

Thursday 13 November 2008

designer drugs and designer friends

I can't believe how two-faced some people really are. It makes me sad, to be honest. It makes me wonder how many of the people in my life are completeley genuine. How many people are pretending to be someone they're not to my face and acting completely different behind my back. For instance, people will continuously tell me how much they dislike this one boy because they all know I don't particularly like him for perfectly good enough reasons that I don't think anyone will want to read about. Anyway, they'll tell me that they hate him, how much he annoys them and how they want him to basically just fuck off. They'll say this all behind his back and then as soon as they see him, they'll act as though everything's normal, they're best friends again. It's not just girls either. I've seen just as many boys, and possibly more, being two-faced towards the people they're pretending to be friends with. It just makes me think about them in a defferent light. How am I supposed to know if these people are just pretending to be my friend aswell, and really they're bitching about me to everyone behind my back? When I see people being two-faced I can't help but wonder if these people are two-faced to everyone. Do the people who tell me they love me, that I'm their best friend, actually not mean a word of it? Do they honestly hate me, and want me to fuck off? I just wish people where honest when they had a problem with someone instead of being complete bitches.

I don't know about you, bu I'd so much rather people told me to to my face what their problem was with me than talking about me behind my back.

bloody t'internetz.

I took about an hour after I came on the computer for the internet to actually connect.

'No Network Connection'

Yusss, there bloody is : I was logging off and re-starting for ages, then I decided to just get on with writing up my french coursework, and halfway though it connected. Just like that.

It's so annoying, it'll just randomly diconnect every now and then. Cohh

Anyway. The disgusting weather's back. I don't like itt :( + my bbycks hasn't come still. Ffs.

I'm not feeling very inspired to write. I might write something later on tonight, if I can be bothered.

Nice 'lil pic [: Ten minutes after this was taken we met The Wombats :D :D

Wednesday 12 November 2008

ooft, third post today.

But I thought I'd better write this one down because it made me laugh.

I was sat with my mum, watching this 'Top 100 Annoying moments of Pop' show on TV. There was a bit about Joss Stone talking about Robbie Williams saying how he's such a lovely guy and everything, when all of a sudden my mum just suddenly goes,


Exactly like that and I just burst out laughing because, if you know my mum you'll know she is the least likely person in the world to say anything along the lines of 'wanker'. She has a go at me for saying 'bloody' for God's sake!

Haha, so yeah, I found that funny.

And now I'm bored :\

full mooooon

Rarrr, werewolves :)
I looked out my window and saw this, I thought it'd look pretty.
I'm gonna be bored tonight. I'm staying home and msn and Myspace bores me at the moment. Myspace wont let me post bulletins? And there's nobody interesting to talk to on msn. Actually, there's usually Jamie for the cam sesh's and the lolz, but he's gone to see bfmv tonightt.
I don't even have any coursework to do! (!!!! :O) I did it all at the weekend. Now the only thing I have to do is some photography for art, but I think it's slightly too dark for landscapes and nature shots at this minute. Although I might use my moon picture as part of it. [L]

don't know you anymore.

Omfgzz. It was actually sunny at one point today?!? :O
I had double art as well, which is always a bonus.

My bbycks still hasn't arrived though, I'm starting to get a little pissed off/worried. The purchase history on Google Checkout says it's been shipped, It's First Class Royal Mail and it still hasn't arrived. Definitely not worth the £2.75 p&p.
Now we play the waiting game.

I have found some rate nice shoes that I might ask for for Christmas :) They were in my brothers RollerSnakes catalogue, he says he likes them, but if I can find another pair that are cheaper and he likes too, I'll be able to get them :)

I made a nice little banner thing for my blog. It's up there ^ :)
I'm getting quite into the blogging lark. I like writing, but I wish I was good at it. :\

Tell me what did you expect?
Have you got no self respect?
Reputation to protect?
Soon you'll be a nervous wreck.
What happened to the good old days?
I was hoping this was all a stupid phase.
Who are you anyway?
I know you've heard this all before.
I know some people who are calling you a whore.
Don't know you anymore.
Friend of Mine - Lily Allen
This song is basically what's been going through my head all day.

Baiii :]

Tuesday 11 November 2008

wahhh :)

I can't remember where, but I found this site :) :)

You get to make your own snowflake & I laiiiked it :D

mm, paint ;D

Yay :)

Ohh, & we got the names for Secret Santa today.
We all sat around a table this morning with folded up pieces of paper in an empty crisp packet, people kept looking at us weird :)
Anyway, I got Lauren and I have no idea what I'm going to get for herrrr.
She lives on a farm and likes, umm... animals?
I'm not sure actually, I was never all that close with her.

i like it when;

I like it when my tummy hurts from laughing.
I like it when I can't help but smile, even if I don't want to.
I like finishing a big project and then sitting back and being happy because I know I've done a good job.
I like being in a car or wrapped up in bed when there's a storm.
I like music that can make me smile.
I like seeing someone I haven't seen in a while.
I like going on cam with someone and making eachother laugh for hours.
I like private jokes and little phrases that only you and the other person will understand.
I like smiling at random people in the street and making new friends.
I like hot chocolates in the winter and frapuccino's in the summer.
I like complimenting people and making people smile.
I love my mummy :)
I like my friends; they're my favourite people in the world.
I like when people ask you how your day's been and they actually care.
I like big warm hugs and holding hands.
I like people with nice hair and pretty eyes.
I like fair-rides.
I like Christmas and my birthday.
I like taking photo's and looking back on photo's you've taken in the past.
I like the beach and festivals.
I like gigs and parties.
I like my computer & the internet.
I like youtube, myspace, bebo and blogspot.
I like my phone and texting people.
I like my mum's cooking.
I like my brother, but I say I don't. ;)
I like Meg Sophie Anton; you're my best friend.
I like sunny days and when it snows.
I like mess.
I like art and graphics.
I like FTSK, OkGo, Owl City, Nevershoutnever, Polaroid and Cobra Starship.
I like my iPod.
I like waking up on Christmas morning.
I like holidays.
I like you ;]

Monday 10 November 2008

not fantastic.

I'm not in the best of moods today...

First of all, this weather is disgusting. It's freezing cold and there's that rain, the type that's hardly there but it still manages to completely drench you. It makes me want to just lie in bed all day. The other week Meg asked me if I like wrapping up warm for winter, I said I didn't know. Later on that day I had to go and buy a scarf and come gloves from Primark I was so cold. (When I left the house it was sunny, so I didn't bother with a coat or scarf, etc.) I told Meg I'd changed my mind about wrapping up warm, and that I actually loved it. Thinking about it, I don't. What I loved is the fact that I wasn't shivering like a bitch, dying of pneumonia or something. (I'm not even exaggerating.) Basically, the only way the weather in winter will make me happy is if it snows. Which I highly doubt it will; last time it snowed here was about two or three years ago. I wish it was summer all year round.

Also, my bbycks hasn't arrived. Still! I ordered it last Monday and now it's been a week and not come. Last time it came two days after i ordered it. I was really looking forwards to wearing it Saturday, but then it didn't come. Maybe it's really busy at their offices or at the post office or something. Fingers crossed it comes tomorrow.

Fiiinaally, I found out something today about a friend of mine. Something interesting; something that made me laugh but want to slap her for being so stupid. Thinking about it, it's such a slap in the face. I miss you the way you used to be. Now I think you only do these things to fit in, and it really isn't you. Come back and be my best friend like you used to be, you're so much better that way. I love you. :(

I just whacked on my iPod, I do love my music. I'm already in a slightly better mood :)
I hope tomorrow's a good day; we're getting the names for our Secret Santa thing we're doing. I just can't afford tonnes of presents for everybody right now. I might be getting a raise at work on Saturday though :D :D

Sunday 9 November 2008

found some pics on my pc:

I was looking through some old pictures of mine and I found a few I quite liked :)

Me and Meg at a wedding.

Me and Emma-Jane. Lulz
Me and Chloe about a year ago :)

I took this in Cornwall. I thought it was pretty :)

The Eden Project.


That's the thing, see. I spend all my time sitting around doing nothing when I could be doing something so much more useful with myself. For instance, doing the three pieces of french coursework due in tomorrow or finishing my art coursework which was due in two weeks ago.

I always leave everything to the last-minute, then I rush it so it's done it time. I'm not organised in the slightest. I forget about exams until the night before, by that time it's too late. Last week I had a mock (Thank God) chemistry exam and got a G grade (Not entirely my fault, I was in Austria while the topic was being taught. I could have bought a revision guide though, but I forgot.) and came bottom of the class. My target grade is A* and I got utterly bollocked for being six grades under my target. Not the highlight of my life, I can assure you.
Right now even, I am writing this, eating pringles and watching 'Pokemon' on CITV, (Not my first choice of programmes, I must admit, but my younger brother has the remote and the packet of pringles. Pokemon is, of course, still amazingly cool.) when I should really be drawing bark and writing pages and pages in perfect french.

I should really get on.

some of the coursework i'm supposed to be finishing today.