Sunday 8 March 2009


the sky.

stupid boys. stupid boys. i always go for the shit ones. then i get hurt. fucks sake. luckily this time i was warned. 'he's a player. honestly i'm being serious. he fucked my girl' 'seriously, i wouldn't, he just wants meaningless sex.' ecetera ecetera. my best friends got some problems with boys at the moment aswell. it's times like this when we get together and have the lovliest conversations. they just make me love her so much more :)

ohh i do love you.

'      vit     ;]    
:) i love you too meg

Even if you Do fancie a 12 year old and like Harry Hall 
and even if you are a light weight
& even if you are shy :D
but you make me laugh & smile oh sooo much :D
& i had a lovely day today:D

'      vit   ;]
LOLLLLLLL awwwww, that made me laugh/smile like a reyt goon/ brought a tear to my eye
i love you meg, 


'      vit     ;]      
even though you walk like a pigeon
and have hair like a dyke
and fancy an edge boy who pouts ;)

:L:L fuck off

this is pure jokes. you probably won't get any of that, it's inside jokes atwwww! 
i don't really fancy a twelve year old, don't worry ;)

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