Tuesday 3 March 2009

hello, i miss you quite terribly

i fell in love; in love with you suddenly,
now there's no place else i could be but here in your arms.

i don't even know right now
what i'm supposed to think 
or feel
or what i'm supposed 
to be concentrating on.
i can't get my priorities right.
i don't even know.

'because you have never felt before
what you're feeling right now.'
that's probably true.
even though i'm not quite sure
of that, even.

it's silly-
how i'm feeling
this second. right now.
because, well it just is.

i've been speaking to you
for a week.
i've met you 
i shouldn't be like this already,
should i?
but now i wont see you
for over a week.
i miss you already.
come back, please.
it makes me feel all funny
in the bottom of my tummy.
it's like the opposite of
i'm not sure if i like it.
i just want you back.
back and mine.
because i like 
how you hold my hand
and play with my hair 
and zip me up in your coat
and pull silly faces at me
and make me smile like a reyt goon.

you should know, it's true
just now, the part about my love for you
and how my heart's about to burst into a thousand
oh, it must be true.

i'm glad to have you back.
i never realised how much i cared
about you
and valued this friendship
until i lost you.
and now're we're back to being
just as close as ever.
and it's amazing how neither
of us can go more than 
four days without
speaking to the other.
when you said you'd
missed me
i couldn't stop smiling.
you, and your ginger fringe
and your suggestive comments,
you make me smile for ages,
you're a dick, boy.
you're a funny, lovely, silly, sarcastic, 
ginger, camp, suggestive,
slutty, beautiful dick.

at the moment, i'm really enjoying
their songs make me smile 

oh, and i got dailybooth.
for the winnnnnnnnnnnnn

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