Sunday 22 February 2009

i'm sick of this

i'm sick of this town. i'm sick of the area i live in. i'm sick of seeing the same things and doing the same things everyday. i need out, basically. where i live, it's beautiful and all, you've got the little villages and the beaches and the rolling countryside ecetera ecetera but i've lived here for the majority of my life and it suddenly seems so boring. i don't know, maybe it's just because it's winter but there never seems that there's anything to do. get up, see the same old people, go home, internet. that's basically it. i love my friends, the few that i know that i can really trust mean the whole world to me, but i want some new people for fresh banter. i look forwards to the days off school and off work when me and my best friend can just get on the train and go to exeter, which is our nearest city. i love that place. there are just so many people compared to where i live, and it's lovely  to spend the day with a group of fresh new people, just hang around and have a laugh, basically. the people there are lovely, really. at home you have your group of friends and you stick to it, other people are boring and hard to get along with. my friend was saying to me the other day how all the people we meet when we're elsewhere just seem so outgoing and friendly. i have to say, i don't want to move out just yet but when i do it will be to somewhere totally different to here; some big city somewhere with loads of people. it would make a nice change.

i'm sorry if this post went on, it was too long or whatever, and i apologise for the lack of good grammar and punctuation, i'm just really tired and bored. 

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