Friday 20 March 2009


you don't give a shit about me, do you?
you don't care that i could have died that night.
that anything could of happened to me
but you just left me practically all on my own.
i was a state
you can't have thought i'd be able to look after myself.
i was in no condition to be given any kind of responsibility
let alone the responsibility
of finding my way home on my own.
i don't remember anything.
you could be taking advantage of that fact.
you took advantage of me
and the state i was in
you... i don't know the words to describe you
i feel sick just to think about it.
i hate you, i think.
i now realise that all of you
bar one, don't give a fuck about me
you just care about yourself
and saving yourself from getting into trouble
i don't think you even thought twice about me
you just walked away
left me lying there.
you're selfish.
i'm glad i have my real friends
the loyal ones who wouldn't have left me
they would have been there
they would have done the right thing
and called someone
like i'm glad that one person did
and now you have the nerve to call her a stupid bitch
for the fact that she called my mum? 
it all just boils back down to the fact 
that you're selfish and you only care about yourselves.
you wouldn't have cared what happened to me
as long as you were safe and sound and came across as the innocent ones.
you made up a lie.
a twisted, unbelievably tabgled web of, basically,
bull shit. just so you seemed the good guys,
so you were in the clear. i was the one who the blame should fall on
it was all my fault. you couldn't stop me.
but that's the thing that hurts the most.
you could have stopped me.
you could of, if you had cared, stopped me from doing
the stupid and just plain wrong things you tell me about doing
you're laughing at me, the next day, you're telling me what i did
and you're laughing
and i'm thinking,
what if it had been you? would you want this?
wouldn't you expect your so called friends to stop you
when you're about to do something so horrible
and so out of charector for me.
i'm upset just thinking about it.
and you.
i don't know what to say about you,
other than i think you're pathetic.
you were so wrong
and so out of order it's unreal.
you were taking advantage,
no matter what you say. 
you cannot say that i was in the condition to be able to consent
to anything.
i was on the floor. i couldn't move.
you were fine to walk away from me
and act sober when anyone asked.
you cannot say that this is in the least bit fair
on me. on my mother.
on my real friends.
they were so worried and it chokes me up just to think about
what they all must have been going through
when i was gone.
i was so stupid.
yeah i'm angry at you.
i'm angry at the rest for leaving me.
i'm angry at everyone there, except one,
who banded together and lied and made up a story
so you wouldn't get in trouble
not caring what happened to me.
but most of all i'm angry at myself
for letting me do that to myself.
i always told myself i'd never be that stupid.
i'd never put myself into a situation like that
but i did
and it makes me feel sick.


Justthat. said...

it sucks, but it happens & we get to learn from it..
everything happens for a reason..hope you okay now =]

vitaneeee said...

i really have learnt from it,
and i'm better now yeah, thanks :)