Friday, 23 January 2009

there's a pattern emerging

I don't really know what to write, like a structured and planned out paragraph or anything, so I'll just write a few things down that I feel like mentioning :)

  • I'm listening to Glamour For Better & I love them :) 
  • I'm on Dan's laptop while he's out at a friends, I'm being really sneaky; deleting all my history and such because I'm not supposed to be on here.
  • Tonight was going to be really good, me and my best friend, curries, alcohol, stand up comedy DVD's and Superbad. But now she has to babysit and can't come, so that sucks :| 
  • Now I'm listening to Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects, which is another song i quite enjoy listening to :)
  • Tonight will be home with my mum watching the Big Brother Final and maybe Superbad.
  • Skins last night as amazing I thought :) Apart from the lame little skating bit at the beginning with the sparks and the ollying over the roadworks, yeah I thought it was pretty damn good :) I love, love Freddie :)

I think that's pretty much it :)


Anonymous said...

I should watch Skins, people talk about it around me and I'm like,uhuh, I don't watch it.

vitaneeee said...

you should :) it's really good, i'm always looking forwards to it.
but if you are, i would reccomend watching the first two series aswell becuase they're quite abit better than this series so far, i think :)