Saturday, 28 February 2009

boys are so silly. the ones you don't like make you feel guilty for it. the ones that are your friends get jealous of the one who is more that that. the one you like confuse you because you don't know where you stand with them. argh argh argh. anyway, i had a really nice day today. drank abit too much, probably. probably made a massive twat out of myself. i got proposed to aswell, obviously i said yes. that was all lovely. meeting new people etc. seeing old ones. yeahyeahyeah. bit of a comedown on the train home though. some annoying twelve year olds singing lady gaga pissed me off. then some hooded youths in subway tried to chat us up, and we were like, 'narr, you're about ten.'. 

- SERIOUSSSSLYYY where do i stand with you? i don't know if you like me or not. when we're alone together it's so lovely, really, and then when we're in a crowd you just seem to disapear off with other people. maybe you're just a very social person. maybe i'm being too clingy? whatever. i like you. ps. yesyesyesyes, and i think i know you well enough, in answer to your question.
-i'm so glad we've made up. we won't be this silly again. i was stupid, you've always been a good friend.
-what is your problem with me at the moment? it's like you're jealous i talk to other boys when we've never been anything more than close friends. stop getting bag out over nothing and taking it out on me, as i have done nothing wrong, and it would be a shame to loose this.
-nothing. is. going. to. happen. between. us. sorry.
-i appreciated what you did for me today :) it was nice to have space, still knowing that you're my best friend. i love you, and i hope you know that, because i don't tell you enough.


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

invaders must die

I decided no clothes suit me. I've been trying to decide what to wear on Saturday, but I have no ideaaaa. I want to wear the skirt and cardigan I wore last time I went but then wouldn't I look abit trampy? Then I decided the jeans I'm gonna wear instead don't go with vest tops because they are too low-rise and all my shirts don't go with my new cardigan I got yesterday. I may just decide to wear the skirt after all and save me all this bother. 

In other news, I think I like someone. I think he may like me too. This is exciting stuff. This makes me smile. Butterfy's ftwwwww;

oh, and I really enjoy doing the weekly Sainsbury shopping with my mum, I don't know why.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

do you remember..

How you used to feel when your ball went over the fence into next door's garden? You'd stand at the edge, nervous and looking around to make sure your neighbours couldn't see you, and you jump over the fence, run through the garden, leaping over flower beds and garden ornaments, trying not to disturb anything. Triumphantly you'd grab your ball and make your way out of there as fast as you could.

How you used to subscribe to the Sabrina the Teenage Witch magazine and every week you'd receive new plastic, toy makeup which had it's own special compartment in the purple glittery makeup case you got with issue #5?

How you used to dance around listening to The Spice Girls in your parents bedroom, all dressed up in your Mum's dresses and high heels, plastering your face with her makeup to make yourself feel grownup?

How you'd spend the whole of the summer holidays playing out in the streets with the other kids from your neighbourhood? You'd play street football and stub your toe on the ground all the time, and every five minutes there'd be someone shouting 'CAR!' and everyone would rush to the pavement and wait for the car to go past. You'd play houses and you'd collect plants from your garden to make 'dinner' with. You'd use a bit of rope to tie a skateboard to the back of a bike and be towed around the block, and in the evening you'd sit and eat your meal outside because you didn't want to miss out on the fun and games.

How gathering together in the living room with your family on a Friday night to watch Top of The Pops was a weekly thing? You'd know all the words to every song and keep your fingers crossed the whole way through, hoping your favourite band would be number one.

Or was this just me?

i'm sick of this

i'm sick of this town. i'm sick of the area i live in. i'm sick of seeing the same things and doing the same things everyday. i need out, basically. where i live, it's beautiful and all, you've got the little villages and the beaches and the rolling countryside ecetera ecetera but i've lived here for the majority of my life and it suddenly seems so boring. i don't know, maybe it's just because it's winter but there never seems that there's anything to do. get up, see the same old people, go home, internet. that's basically it. i love my friends, the few that i know that i can really trust mean the whole world to me, but i want some new people for fresh banter. i look forwards to the days off school and off work when me and my best friend can just get on the train and go to exeter, which is our nearest city. i love that place. there are just so many people compared to where i live, and it's lovely  to spend the day with a group of fresh new people, just hang around and have a laugh, basically. the people there are lovely, really. at home you have your group of friends and you stick to it, other people are boring and hard to get along with. my friend was saying to me the other day how all the people we meet when we're elsewhere just seem so outgoing and friendly. i have to say, i don't want to move out just yet but when i do it will be to somewhere totally different to here; some big city somewhere with loads of people. it would make a nice change.

i'm sorry if this post went on, it was too long or whatever, and i apologise for the lack of good grammar and punctuation, i'm just really tired and bored. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Bridge on Skins

I watched Skins with my Mother last night. It was the third time I'd seen it, (I watched it twice on Thursday.. in a row)
But it was just entertaining to see what my Mum had to say on the subject.

-"That Katie girl has a speach defect."
-"What a strange girl."
-"Awww, poor Pandora in the bathroom by herself."
-"WTFF Effy's supposed to be Pandora's best friend!"
-"It's perverted isn't it, how Cook knows how to have sex and not how to play twister."
-"Awww, Thomas is so sweet to Pandora."

Keep in mind this is the first episode she's seen. But seriously, should've seen her face during the sex scenes..

Monday, 16 February 2009


I got a new book. It's called Host by Stephenie Meyer.
I'm going to go and read it now.
Oh and I got 10 followers today.
Win for Vit!

Sunday, 15 February 2009

cupid's got me in his chokehold

{the only thing i really know: i can't sleep at night}

[he didn't really, he seems to have forgotten about me this year]

Thursday, 12 February 2009


I just finished my english coursework; it was a review on Slumdog Millionaire and I'm actually really proud of it :]


2. WITNESS PROTECTION NAME:(mother and fathers middle names)
Jane (I don't know my fathers middle name)

3. NASCAR NAME:(first name of your mother's dad, father's dad)
Barry (I don't know my father's dad's name)

4. STAR WARS NAME:(the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)

5. DETECTIVE NAME:(favorite color, favorite animal)
Orange Dog

6. SOAP OPERA NAME:(middle name, town where you were born)
(Don't have a middle name) Supanburi (Or something along those lines, I blatantly know alot about myself)

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd fav color, fav drink, add "THE" to the beginning)
The Purple Archers

8. FLY NAME:(first 2 letters of 1st name, last 2 letters of your last name)

9.STREET NAME:(fav ice cream flavor, fav cookie)
Fish Food Smarties

10. SKANK NAME: (1st pet's name, street you grew up on)
Sundance Chapel

11. GANGSTA NAME:(first 3 letters of last name plus 'izzle')

12. YOUR IRAQI NAME:(2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first two letters of your middle name, last two letters of your first name then last three letters of your last name)

13. YOUR GOTH NAME:(black, and the name of one of your pets)
Black Betty

14.ROCK STAR NAME:(current pet's name, current street name)
Fando Chapel

15. STRIPPER NAME: (name of your fav perfume/cologne, fav candy)
Alien Flying Saucers (That went so well together)

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Thursday, 5 February 2009


Username: isthisthefateoftoday

Why did you pick it?: i think it's a line out of a song :)

Who did you first subscribe to?: no idea, was so long ago! probably someone like fred... :|

Who did you most recently subscribe to?: i couldn't tell you, i subscribe very often.

What does your last text message say?: 'g-unott'

Do you have any goals?: enjoy school more, do well in exams, meet lovely people, loose weight, become more confident.

What was the last thing you bought?: ages ago, it was lunch on monday.

Describe the person who posted this using one line?: lovely.

Are you excited about anything?: this weekend + half term.

Do you have a crush? umm, maybe. not sure if you can call it that yet.

Have you ever been drunk?: yes. i'm not straight-edge i'm afraid.

Who was the first Youtuber you met in real life?: i haven't (n)

Who was the last Youtuber you met in real life?: dittooo

Do you pefer day or night?: night all the way.

Are you a member of any collab channels?: no, i'm hardly a member of my own channel.

Do you have a secret account?: not so much secret, just old ones i don't use anymore.

Do you believe in God?: i don't think so.

Which youtuber do you talk to the most?: myself 8-|

Which Youtuber do you think makes the best videos?: pretty much everyone i subscribe to. 

You may only subscrie to 5 channels and only watch their videos. who will they be?: let's see, livelavalive, corporalcadet, and some others; i can't decide!

Are you in a relationship?: nope

Would you date a smoker?: yeah.

Where is your favourite place?: anywhere as long as i'm with decent people who i love.

Are you a happy person?: most of the time :)

Would you kiss the person who posted this?: ummmmm, on the cheek.

What would you take to the desert island? : a phone, a laptop, my favourite people, food, a dingy ;)

Do you prefer sun or snow?: usually i would say sun, but right now, snow please, purely for the fact i don't want school tomorrow.

Who did you last speak to on the phone? jamie b, i was half asleep :)

Who did you last text?: arlene.

What are you doing tommorow?: school. urrh and work.

What is your favourite flavour of potato chips?: i like walkers sensations thai sweet chili ones.

What size are your feet?: 6, sometimes five.

What do you want?: someone for valentines.

What do you need?: someone for valentines.

What do you remember?: the memories 

What do you wish
?: I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy... 

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

sometimes not only white

sometimes yellow ;) 
because i win at annagrams ;D

yeah, so i haven't posted a blog in a while, and what with all this snow (or lack of atm) it seems kind of apropriate. so it's been snowing here. and i haven't seen proper snow since i was about four and then woah there! 'heaviest snow in the uk in twenty years' comes along and closes all our roads and shuts all our school. fucking yes :)

monday it was snowing a tiny bit, but it didn't settle much. then i woke up tuesday morning to absoloutley everything covered in snow and we had the day off. today everything's melted but it's supposed to be heavily snowing tonight, so hopefully we'll all have tomorrow off again :) 

i know everybody's probably so sick of snow blogs and snow vlogs and generally things about snow all over the internet, but i think it's fucking exciting :)

Monday, 2 February 2009