boys are so silly. the ones you don't like make you feel guilty for it. the ones that are your friends get jealous of the one who is more that that. the one you like confuse you because you don't know where you stand with them. argh argh argh. anyway, i had a really nice day today. drank abit too much, probably. probably made a massive twat out of myself. i got proposed to aswell, obviously i said yes. that was all lovely. meeting new people etc. seeing old ones. yeahyeahyeah. bit of a comedown on the train home though. some annoying twelve year olds singing lady gaga pissed me off. then some hooded youths in subway tried to chat us up, and we were like, 'narr, you're about ten.'.
- SERIOUSSSSLYYY where do i stand with you? i don't know if you like me or not. when we're alone together it's so lovely, really, and then when we're in a crowd you just seem to disapear off with other people. maybe you're just a very social person. maybe i'm being too clingy? whatever. i like you. ps. yesyesyesyes, and i think i know you well enough, in answer to your question.
-i'm so glad we've made up. we won't be this silly again. i was stupid, you've always been a good friend.
-what is your problem with me at the moment? it's like you're jealous i talk to other boys when we've never been anything more than close friends. stop getting bag out over nothing and taking it out on me, as i have done nothing wrong, and it would be a shame to loose this.
-nothing. is. going. to. happen. between. us. sorry.
-i appreciated what you did for me today :) it was nice to have space, still knowing that you're my best friend. i love you, and i hope you know that, because i don't tell you enough.