I got my hair cut yesterday, good times. My fringe was getting silly, needed a good ole trim, so there we go.
Uh, i love my new job. It's at a chinese take-away, which is actually just opposite the indian restaurant where I used to work, so they're just stood in the window all night like D:::::: TRAITOR. But they employed like four new people after I quit, so this must mean I'm a massive loss, right? Three girls and one grown man just to make up for me leaving? I'm going to win at life for sure ;)
My job's basically to sit behind a counter watching television (tonight I watched You've Been Framed and it made me smile) and occasionally answer the phone or take an order. I get paid more aswell and they literally force me to take home food, so it's all good really :)
I'm only being trained at the moment because I have to learn all the abbreviations and prices and such, so I'm working with this other girl most nights, and she's really nice, which is a plus. My bosses are nice. So yeah, happy times.
Uh, I love school holidays so much. I've been waiting for this four eight weeks? Christ, I missed sleeping all day. Too bad I can't do anything Sunday or Monday, silly bank holidays.
I've had a nice week so far actually, I spent monday with my best friend's boyfriend's friends, which I thought was going to be really awkward as I hardly knew them and had only met one of them once, and the other twice, but it was actually alright, and a pretty funny day :)
I don't really know what else to say, I've been pretty boring with posts lately, NO INSPIRATION GOD DAMN IT D:<,
Except, I love you. Oh and you of course.
And you, but don't tell anyone, alright?
Have a nice Easter :)